
Session Start: Thu Jan 24 13:35:08 2002
*** Now talking in #Deep13
*** Topic is '(No topic set)'
JoMommaIs gone
@CalI got two more potential titles for MSTapes
@CalMoulin Rouge and Tron
JoMommaThat's nice.
DarkonZeroIf I see "Yes" again....I will kill again.
JoMomma"Yes" again
@Cal"Yes" again....I will kill again.
JoMommaThat's nice Cal
JoMommaNow I'm not the one to plan for MSTapes but...
JoMomma1) Why Tron?
DarkonZeroSent was bugging me at 5 AM with messaging me with "Yes."
JoMomma2) How about you tell Sent... when he's here?
[JoMomma SOUND]
@CalTron just got re-released to DVD/VHS
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Jan 24 13:36:56 2002

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