
Session Start: Thu Oct 17 03:52:39 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 3 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | BTW: It's no longer after 2am now... don't go to bed! | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Oct 16 23:42:30
* DarkonZero is on IRC
DarkonZeroOh shit.
DarkonZeroJust stating
@Min[SCHOOL]You make me feel so loved.
DarkonZeroMe am sorry.
DarkonZeroOff to school.
DarkonZeroFlee now.
* Tonic|Sleep (bbj17@MSTie-38083A81.ptld.uswest.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Tonic|Sleep (bbj17@MSTie-38083A81.ptld.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Oct 17 04:31:57 2002
Session Start: Thu Oct 17 08:30:00 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 3 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | BTW: It's no longer after 2am now... don't go to bed! | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Oct 16 23:42:30
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Oct 17 08:44:24 2002
Session Start: Thu Oct 17 13:14:15 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 3 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | BTW: It's no longer after 2am now... don't go to bed! | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Oct 16 23:42:30
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* DarkonZero is now known as NightoftheLivingDarkon
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* NightoftheLivingDarkon is now known as DarkonZero
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Your nick has been registered with Mystic-net. If you are the owner of this nick, please identify now.
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
Peacimowenwhoa... that fishtank thing is addictive..
* Peacimowen goes on to level 2-4
Peacimowendamn, I lost
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal has left IRC
* Cal2 (~calctu@MSTie-3AABC0EF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
Cal2I'm using the laptop
* moreysalterego (~MSTieGate@MSTie-19D717CB.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZerobefore you die....you see the ring.
* moreysalterego sees the ring
* moreysalterego (~MSTieGate@MSTie-19D717CB.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: I saw the ring)
moreyspook8well he was a waste
* @killerbie brb
* killerbie (Jagu@MSTie-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has left #Deep13
* killerbie (Jagu@MSTie-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* killerbie is now known as Crowbie
* Crowbie is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Crowbie Crowbie Crowbie
* Crowbie is now known as JessK
* Crowbie has left IRC
* JessK is now known as killerbie
DarkonZerohttp://www.dreamworks.com/thering/main.html <- Strange shit.
* EvilCal (~pmccart@MSTie-3AABC0EF.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
moreyspook8the ring was originally a japanese movie
Ocean-SaurianMin, I am going nuts
Ocean-Saurianthat game IS addicting!!!!!
moreyspook8what game?
DarkonZerohttp://www.ifilm.com/ifilm/product/film_info/0,3699,2448240,00.html <- Watch and see if you get a phone call.
* MonoTeK (~x@MSTie-2EADA278.ks.ok.cox.net) has joined #Deep13
moreyspook8what game
moreyspook8what game
DarkonZeroI think it's a game where you piss yourself.
DarkonZeroNo wait.....that's when you drink too much.
PrincessEvil2ya, my wonderful almost month uptime on this server ended last night, i think Time restarted the irc server so it wasnt really my fault, hehe
* PrincessEvil2 responds to something Ocean-Saurian said over an our ago
DarkonZeroHours later......
DarkonZeroI didn't even notice.
DarkonZeroToday is "Scare the crap outta myself" Day. I'm trying to find somewhat scary stuff to watch.
DarkonZeroSo far....I'm failing.
PrincessEvil2so you came into chat?
moreyspook8well when I want to get scared I have some crazy guy chase me around with a knife
* Cal2 (~calctu@MSTie-3AABC0EF.wi.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Cal2 (~calctu@MSTie-3AABC0EF.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* moreyspook8 is *reminiscing* heh good times
DarkonZeroThe TV show?
DarkonZeroOh.....cause that was a good TV show.
moreyspook8no it wasn't
* MonoTeK (~x@MSTie-2EADA278.ks.ok.cox.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
moreyspook8min what game is everyone talking about thats so addicting
moreyspook8sumtin w/fishtanks?
moreyspook8thank you
* DarkonZero trees.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Oct 17 14:36:36 2002
Session Start: Thu Oct 17 18:11:21 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 3 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | BTW: It's no longer after 2am now... don't go to bed! | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Oct 16 23:42:30
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* JoMomma is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* moreyspook8 is now known as teh_hamburglar
* RobertoMunster (hquiej@oper.mst3k.org) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoMunster RobertoMunster RobertoMunster RobertoMunster
@JoMommaYo Ma?
* teh_hamburglar is now known as moreyspook
* Sabeau (Sabeau@10C5CC4E.E98433F5.6718B504.IP) has left #Deep13
* DarkonZero listens to the Blue Man Group CD......
* moreyspook is now known as moreyspook8
* moreyspook8 (moreyspook@MSTie-19D717CB.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: rabble rabble bitch!)
@RobertoMunsterGoody. They're installing my "loop" on the 22nd.
@RobertoMunsterDSL access.
@RobertoMunsterI'm paying for a new service and shelling out half the cost.
DarkonZeroGetting off the cable, eh?
@RobertoMunsterForced off.
@RobertoMunsterWe're getting rid of our cable here, and that apparently includes the costly cable service.
@RobertoMunsterSo as an emergency procedure the other day, I ordered DSL from Speakeasy.
shadeSpeakeasy is a good company
@RobertoMunsterSo I hear.
@RobertoMunsterThat reminds me. I should turn in my equipment rebate soon.
EvilCalI'm watching a short that should have been on MST3K
* @RobertoMunster hasn't been to the Prelinger net archives lately.
@RobertoMunsterNow that you mention it.
@RobertoMunsterThose are neat.
EvilCalwhat are they?
@JoMommaOk. $5 to the first person who isn't shade, Time, or MonoTeK that can tell me what THIS does.
@JoMommaexpr `last $* | wc -l` - 2
@RobertoMunsterAnd Cal: you know who Rick Prelinger is?
@JoMommaWell... $5 monopoly dollars.
@RobertoMunsterI could use the extra Monopoly money, seeing as how I'm broke from going into owned properties.
@RobertoMunsterBut unfortunately, I can't tell you what that is.
@RobertoMunsterIt would require me to be smart.
@RobertoMunsterAnd by the way, since you bastards couldn't decide whether 384 was good or not, I'm now on a 612(?) connection.
* JoMomma is now known as JoMomma-AFK
* JoMomma has left IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 (~servo911@MSTie-3E986347.midltn01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #Deep13
* Sentroid91 injects poison into #Deep13
* Sound request: can't find 'nwo.wav'
[Sentroid91 SOUND]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
* Peacimowen (Taiyoushin@MSTie-31765538.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: I'm gone! why?)
* peacimowen (Taiyoushin@ has joined #Deep13
Ocean-Saurianok Jo
* MonoTeK (x@MSTie-2EADA278.ks.ok.cox.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
Ocean-SaurianI can play that game too
Ocean-Saurian5 bucks to the person who can tell me when the first sighting of nessie happend
Ocean-Saurianand year that is
Ocean-Saurianoh and another 5 bucks if you can tell me what kind of people they were
EvilCalBy now, my lungs were aching for air...
Ocean-Saurianmonopoly money like Jo was offering
* plug-inbaby (~noone@7B0D90C.41BF8951.648104C0.IP) has joined #Deep13
plug-inbabyhey everyone
@RobertoMunsterYour Monopoly money is worthless, Joey.
plug-inbabyhave i walked in on another meaningless and possibly non-existant conversation?
* TServo4 is on IRC
* TServo4 (enin_rebmu@cust-72-254-l132.dyn-adsl.bestweb.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv TServo4 TServo4 TServo4
DarkonZeroYo Serf.
plug-inbabyjust testing the air waves...
@TServo4Hello I am tired.
@TServo4PLease excuse my typing
DarkonZeroNo prob.
plug-inbabyshould we excuse you too? or just the typing
DarkonZeroJust quit typing "fuck you" so much.
@TServo4just the typing.
@TServo4Im an idiot
plug-inbabyok cool
DarkonZeroI'll be back later, when the talking tones down....j/k.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Oct 17 19:05:16 2002

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