
Session Start: Fri Oct 11 04:35:56 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 9 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism | Retro topic: It's the DK-Disconnect Championships! Dialup: 8 DSL: 462'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Oct 10 21:39:16
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
TonicBHas you can tell, it's very dead in this early morning
* TonicBH should go and try some S&I... or maybe some FPS that he DOESN'T suck at.
DarkonZeroJust keep practicing.
* TonicBH plays Half-life, the S&I mod
TonicBHyeah, true
DarkonZero<- Not-so-motivational speaker.
TonicBHif you care and maybe want to play with me (and possibly you don't want to), I'll be on the "SCK Science and Industry 1" server if you're checking the Half-Life server list...
DarkonZeroWhich version you running?
DarkonZero0.97 or 0.98?
* DarkonZero goes to play...
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Oct 11 04:47:14 2002
Session Start: Fri Oct 11 05:14:02 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 9 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism | Retro topic: It's the DK-Disconnect Championships! Dialup: 8 DSL: 462'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Oct 10 21:39:16
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* JoMomma is on IRC
DarkonZeroSo...how ya doing?
@JoMommaNot bad at all. Been having good days at work
DarkonZeroHeh....I've been having the opposite.
DarkonZeroI have the occasional good day.
DarkonZeroBut that mostly involves a girl touching me.
@JoMommaYeah but touching you in what way
DarkonZeroI dunno......
DarkonZeroI get poked often by some.
@JoMommaHeh that's kinda what I was thinking
@JoMomma"Excuse me, the pinball machine is broken."
DarkonZeroI mostly try to get through the day without being accused of sexual harassment.
DarkonZeroIn all honesty....I try to be a good guy.
DarkonZeroBut my mind doesn't want me to be.
@JoMommaOk I goto work now
* JoMomma (jomomma@netadmin.mst3k.org) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* JoMomma has left IRC
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Oct 11 05:29:43 2002
Session Start: Fri Oct 11 05:51:59 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 9 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism | Retro topic: It's the DK-Disconnect Championships! Dialup: 8 DSL: 462'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Oct 10 21:39:16
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Oct 11 05:54:12 2002
Session Start: Fri Oct 11 17:22:29 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 9 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.savekaryn.com/ You want what?! Ahahahaha! | Halo09 has $50 on savekaryn.com really being an al-Qaeda fundraising mechanism | Retro topic: It's the DK-Disconnect Championships! Dialup: 8 DSL: 462'
* Set by Sentroid91 on Thu Oct 10 21:39:16
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Cal is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* JoMomma is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* DarkonZero smacks everyone around like bitches.
@Sentroid91did you fix your ping?
DarkonZeroI found out the problem....my brother is in New York...and he was connected to the computer here....he was the cause of the high ping.
@Sentroid91do you feel like playing UT2003?
DarkonZeroIn a while.
@Sentroid91How long is that?
@Sentroid91I have MSTapes in like an hour
DarkonZeroIf you're awake after MSTapes....maybe then.
* Ocean-Monster (Ocean-Saur@MSTie-822ED84.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
@Sentroid91well I think i'll go play some singles
* Sentroid91 is now known as Sentroid[UT2003]
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* DarkonZero is the Flaming Carrot.
@JoMommaIn bed
* DarkonZero punches Jo.
@JoMommaWith Hawaiian Punch
@JoMommaOh there's a good one actually.
* DarkonZero will d/l the new Neverwinter Nights patch later.....
DarkonZeroI keep dl'ing the patches.....but never play the game.
* morey||dinner|| is now known as moreyspook8
DarkonZeroDamn....I gotta wait 15 days until I get my Foo Fighters CD.
DarkonZeroOr even 20 days.
* feJ (feJ@MSTie-1D0BFBE3.student.appstate.edu) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv feJ feJ feJ
@feJallo again
DarkonZeroLeave now!
@JoMommaxquote, search leef
@Sentroid[UT2003]There are no quotes containing leef. But thank you for playing.
@feJyes... relocate to beautiful homes in Arizona
@JoMommaxquote, search leaf
@Sentroid[UT2003]There are no quotes containing leaf. But thank you for playing.
@feJ(it was az right? maybe nm?)
@Min[OUT]7,1Min's MUTATED Quote Machine:14,1 <DarKrow> The gods can shove their almighty thumbs up their almighty asses <KatLady> I'd advise to rotate slowly.
@JoMommamquote, search leef
@Min[OUT]7,1There are no quotes containing14 leef7. Now go away, or do you want a crowbar crammed up your ass?
@JoMommaMeh what WAS it
* DarkonZero breaks in his new headphones.
DarkonZeroClarity of sound.
moreyspook8quote murphu
OneBotToRuleThemAll2[ searching for quote with:10 murphu 2]
DarkonZeroNO MURPHU!
OneBotToRuleThemAll2<quote10 37982> <GameShowBot> Question: Which MST actor went to a movie theater 365 days a year? <JoMomma> kevin murphu <moreysurf8> murphu <Crowbie> kevin murpu
OneBotToRuleThemAll2[ For more quotes containing "10murphu2", say 12CB Yes2. ]
moreyspook8cb no
OneBotToRuleThemAll2[ Search for10 murphu 2stopped. ]
* moreyspook8 is now known as vash_the_stampede
DarkonZeroDo something wacky Vash......like dodge some bullets oor something.
* vash_the_stampede dodges bullets
DarkonZeroNot wacky enough.
* DarkonZero goes to watch the real thing.
vash_the_stampedetrigun roxors
DarkonZeroYes....it does.....especially the box set I got.
vash_the_stampedeI just download them cause I a cheap-ass mofo
DarkonZeroAnd Warner Bros........has a live-action version of Akira in the works.
DarkonZeroI feel that it will suck.
vash_the_stampedeyea probably
DarkonZeroLike the House of the Dead movie.
vash_the_stampedeI wanna see the cowboy bebop movie
DarkonZeroI know where to get the import.
@JoMomma[20:49:05] <DarkonZero> NO MURPHU!
DarkonZeroNO JO!
* DarkonZero laughs at the recent Penny Arcade.
Timehttp://www.comics.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2002114630011.gif    <--lol
DarkonZero"Your Friend At The End...The Period."
TimeThis is the final result of the domain transfer request described
TimeResult: successfully completed
@JoMommaIn bed?
@JoMommaGod they suck!
Timetransfered from netsol to gandi
Timegandi.net (8
* vash_the_stampede is now known as moreyspook8
DarkonZerohttp://www.eatmycomix.com/02.08.07.html <- D&D players will enjoy.
* Halo09 is on IRC
Timedamn, I think I'm getting a Krankor Sore  heeeeehh heeeeeehhh  heeeeehh heeeeeehhh  heeeeehh heeeeeehhh  heeeeehh
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
@killerbieHaaaaah haaaaaaah haaaaaaaah haaaaaaaah haaaaaaaah
* geeeeeee (Scareau@MSTie-190218E3.rasserver.net) has joined #Deep13
* geeeeeee is now known as peeeeeee
peeeeeeejo, this room needs a bot
@JoMommaWhat kinda bot?
@JoMommaWith root beer
@JoMommaNo let's try the acro bot again
* @Sentroid[UT2003] has returned.
* Sentroid[UT2003] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@JoMommaFor the hell of it
peeeeeeeacro bot?
DarkonZeroThis room needs an enima.
peeeeeeein my pants
DarkonZeroHave fun Sento?
* Halo09 (~none@MSTie-3A10027D.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Halo09 Halo09 Halo09
@Sentroid91I beats more levals
peeeeeeeIm watching SNL best of Dan Aykroyd
peeeeeeelava for retarded people
* moreyspook8 watches cowboy bebop on his compooooter
@Sentroid91in sabby's retarded pants
peeeeeeein my retarded pants
* DarkonZero laughs at an anime named Chobits.
DarkonZeroIt'sa the name.
DarkonZeroYou....you fuck off.
DarkonZeroYeah.....fuck off.
moreyspook8I'm watching the gunfight in the church between spike a vicious, fun!!
* AcroBot (jomomma@MSTie-9D2DF99.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
peeeeeeehello afro bot
AcroBotRound 1
AcroBotThe acronym for this round is ISGE. You have 60 seconds.
AcroBot/msg AcroBot "acro <your answer>"
peeeeeeewhats an acronym?
peeeeeeescrambled word?
peeeeeeewhats it?
@JoMommaThen it'd be scrambled word foo
@JoMommaLike SOL is Satellite of Love or Shit Out of Luck
DarkonZeroHeh.....Acrophobia......I miss that game.
@JoMommaYou make your own!
AcroBot30 seconds! Puzzle is: ISGE
@killerbietrivia si bettar
@Sentroid91I see your genitals
@JoMommaYou send it to the bot
@JoMommaPeople... just try it. You may LIKE it you know
AcroBotAww, too few players! Puzzle is: ISGE
@JoMommaNope :P
moreyspook8I See Gay Entrepeneurs
@JoMommaDoes... like anybody read how the thing works?
AcroBotAww, too few players! Puzzle is: ISGE
@JoMommaOr are you all completely blind morons
@killerbieI don't like teh gaem
@JoMomma[21:13:41] <AcroBot> The acronym for this round is ISGE. You have 60 seconds.
@JoMomma[21:13:41] <AcroBot> /msg AcroBot "acro <your answer>"
peeeeeeeyes *boom*
@JoMommaTry it
@JoMommaYou get fun acronyms
AcroBotAww, too few players! Puzzle is: ISGE
@JoMommaOk lemme restart with another set of letters
* AcroBot (jomomma@MSTie-9D2DF99.moufette.com) Quit (Quit: BitchX: made with real honey.)
* AcroBot (jomomma@MSTie-9D2DF99.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
AcroBotRound 1
AcroBotThe acronym for this round is USO. You have 60 seconds.
AcroBot/msg AcroBot "acro <your answer>"
peeeeeeedoes invalid acronym mean wrong?
-> *Acrobot* "acro Under Steve's Ovaries"
@feJeeeee> *BOOM*!
@JoMommaIt means you didn't match up the letters right
@feJ<JoMomma> start
@feJ<AcroBot> Round 1
@feJ<AcroBot> The acronym for this round is USO. You have 60 seconds.
@feJ<AcroBot> /msg AcroBot "acro <your answer>"
AcroBot30 seconds! Puzzle is: USO
@JoMommaIt must start with  a U an S and an O
@JoMommaAnd no more
@feJstupidy dumb jeff needs to stop randomlyhitting ctrl c
@JoMommaNo extra words
@JoMommaDZ: no quotes ;)
AcroBotTime's up, lets vote!
AcroBot/msg AcroBot "acro #" to vote
AcroBot 1: Urine Says Ouch
AcroBot 2: United States Operations
-> *Acrobot* acro Under Steve's Ovaries
@killerbietalking pee!
@Sentroid91speak penis
AcroBot30 seconds left to vote!
@JoMommabie, read the instructions
@killerbiestfu :P
-> *Acrobot* acro 1
@JoMommaBTW: If you don't get a resonse, you probably did something wrong, hehe
AcroBotVoting complete, sorting scores...
* AcroBot (jomomma@MSTie-9D2DF99.moufette.com) Quit (Client exited)
* @killerbie no play
* DarkonZero stops playing.
@Sentroid91<AcroBot> Yeah... lemme get out of here so I can concentrate
@JoMommaI broke the module
DarkonZeroI sucked at the game when I played it a long while back.
@JoMommaStart Normal scores
@JoMommaNick: moreyspook8       Score: 2
@JoMommaNick: Sentroid91        Score: 3
@JoMommaEnd scores
DarkonZeroAnd that ends to today's festivities!
@JoMommaIn bed
DarkonZeroNope...that still going on.
@JoMommaWith Hawaiian Punch
DarkonZeroVery much.
@JoMommaAnd kinky duct tape ceiling sex
@killerbie<DZ> I LIKE IT VERY MUCH
peeeeeeehurry up and fix it, Jo WE GOTTA GAME TO WIN
@JoMommaNo it's not gonna be a minute fix and I need to shower
DarkonZeroHawiian Punch.....I like it, VERY MUCH!
@feJjo is a smelly ho
peeeeeeephuck hue
peeeeeeeyes *boom*
DarkonZeroNo....I was just saying.
moreyspook8jo jo was a man who thought he was a loner but he knew he couldn't relax
DarkonZeroWhere's Tonic...so I can berate him on his S&I skills.
* peeeeeee (Scareau@MSTie-190218E3.rasserver.net) Quit (Quit: )
@JoMommaMaybe I should run my server then?
DarkonZeroHe kept blocking my running path.
@JoMommaAnd be like me verus DZ, Tonic and Sent :D
DarkonZeroJo is like the best.
DarkonZeroAT what.....I don't know......
@JoMommaWell nah... just the best in ths group... except if shade was playing o.o
DarkonZeroI play too many games......it throws me off on each one.
DarkonZeroI'm just trying to get my deagleing skillz back for CS.
DarkonZeroI'm really good at DoD.....so no need to play that too often.
DarkonZeroI totally suck at playing Battlefield 1942.
@Sentroid91i still need to play DoD... even though I have it loaded
* TonicBH sucks at FPSes. period.
DarkonZeroJust mostly keep me outta the plane in that game.
* @killerbie sux at teh gamez.
DarkonZeroI kamikaze trees in Battlefield.
DarkonZeroAnd not on purpose.
DarkonZeroANd I have to say that Quake 3 is now perfect since the last patch came out.
@Sentroid91i happen to really like 2003 now
DarkonZeroRicochet anyone?
DarkonZeroI do too.
DarkonZeroThough I do like Q3A still.
* MrDuffy2k2 (~mrduffy20@MSTie-2C932D65.client.insightBB.com) Quit (Mystic-net.Quit: Peace and Protection 4.22)
* FlamingDuck (FDuck@AC86C08C.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroEspecially the day I pulled off this weird jumpad move on DeeK.
* Cal (~pmccart@MSTie-202E3EEE.wi.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Cal has left IRC
@Sentroid91DeeK plays online?
DarkonZeroNot as much anymore.
DarkonZeroThis was like 2 years ago.
@Sentroid91before he became a psychopathic prick
* FlamingDuck (FDuck@AC86C08C.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: )
DarkonZeroHe's alright.....you just gotta ignore his shit somethimes.
DarkonZeroI GOTS A LISP!
@Sentroid91I ignore it now.... since he decided to leave for good.
DarkonZeroI musta missed that day.
@Sentroid91Probably a good thing. :D
DarkonZeroShit happens...ajnd we gotta wade through it.
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "thake":12,1 <Sentroid91> ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I HAVE A HOT BLOND BIG-TITTED GIRL FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT! <Cal> in bed <Sentroid91> DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IN BED!!! <DarkonZero> Sent...thake your lithium. <DarkonZero> THAKE! <Sentroid91> thake? <Sentroid91> You funnt, DeeZ 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <TonicBH> I do Servo better than the others 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <JoMomma> in bed is where tonic will be <TonicBH> With Joe Don Baker in a drunken slur <JoMomma> yep <TonicBH> GAH! <Sentroid91> <Joe Don> Watch the ribs, Tonic! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 * TonicBH brings his DC back to live by a thing called: "SEGA Technical Support" <Sentroid91> a.k.a: A dumpster behind Toys R Us 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <Timmyling> David Byrne has been doing music since 1974. <Timmyling> Weird Al Yankovic has been doing music since 1979. <TonicBH> Correct Timmyling: Weird Al Yankovic has been doing music since 1979. <Sentroid91> Jm J Bullock has been on the meth since 1990 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 *** ElSenorMisterioso is now known as Joel_Gertner <Joel_Gertner> TNN: We fuck pigs *** Joel_Gertner is now known as TonicBH <Sentroid91> TONIC: He fucks pigs <Alucard> Even more true! heh! <TonicBH> please noone quote that. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 *** ElSenorMisterioso is now known as Joel_Gertner <Joel_Gertner> TNN: We fuck pigs *** Joel_Gertner is now known as TonicBH <Sentroid91> TONIC: He fucks pigs <Alucard> Even more true! heh! <TonicBH> please noone quote that. 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 *** Poopo is now known as Dolly <TServo4> HELLO, DOLLY. *** Dolly is now known as Kitty <TServo4> HELLO, KITTY. *** Kitty is now known as I_Am_A-Moron <TServo4> HELLO, I_AM_A-MORON. <TServo4> HEY.<TonicBH> Haha 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <TonicBH> 127-141 patches finished <TonicBH> IP inserted <@Min[NEOCRON]> Wow. <@Min[NEOCRON]> Be sure ta use a rubber. <TonicBH> a...? <@Sentroid91> o_O <@Min[NEOCRON]> Bah, condom, Ton-foo' <TonicBH> of course 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
DarkonZeroHmmm.....#Deep13 LAN Party sounds like something to set up one day. Teach the ones who are interested in play, but don't know how, how to play.
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <TonicBH> I have a penis gun. It shoots lemonade! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHnow, damn it, I did NOT SAY THAT!
DarkonZeroTonic....put the penis gun away!
moreyspook8xquote, search orf
@Sentroid91There are no quotes containing orf. But thank you for playing.
DarkonZeroIf I were to teach folks how to play FPS games....I'd just show them how to die.
DarkonZeroI pretty much did that for my clan.
@Sentroid91MSTapes starts in 15 minutes
DarkonZeroOne of the best players in my clan is a girl....actually she's the top player in my clan.
@JoMommaHow about ummmmm
@JoMommaDZ, Sent, and maybe Jef and or Min verus me on my S&I server?
* TonicBH wouldn't mind playing
DarkonZeroHeh....maybe later.
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <TonicBH> I do Servo better than the others 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 * Sentroid91 applies pressure to his right wrist. * Sentroid91 shoots out a yellow cable at TonicBH, grabs them by the neck, and snaps it. * TonicBH (BBrown9326@ZiRC-61094.ptld.uswest.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer) <Sentroid91> !! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
TonicBHxquote, search TonicBH
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "TonicBH":12,1 <TonicBH> 127-141 patches finished <TonicBH> IP inserted <@Min[NEOCRON]> Wow. <@Min[NEOCRON]> Be sure ta use a rubber. <TonicBH> a...? <@Sentroid91> o_O <@Min[NEOCRON]> Bah, condom, Ton-foo' <TonicBH> of course 1,12Number of Quotes found: 17
* TonicBH whaps Sent's quoter
DarkonZeroBut I promised Sent I'd play UT against him.
@JoMommaErr ye and tonic
@Sentroid91and this is later on anyway... you'll be jobed
DarkonZerohttp://www.maryks.com/Stats/clanpage_e0BjfQ.html <-My clan lineup as of late....I gotta start going more to play with the rest.
@JoMommaWhen is "later" though?
DarkonZeroHmmm....you got me there.
DarkonZeroOk.....now sounds good.
@JoMommaFor UT?
@Sentroid91after MSTapes
@Sentroid91if i'm awake
DarkonZeroYou have UT?
@JoMommaWhen is MSTapes?
@Sentroid91supposed to be 9:50
@Sentroid91but i'm making it 10, cause I haven't eaten
@JoMommaBlah then.
@JoMommaTonic, DZ you doing MSTapes?
@Sentroid91DZ: Jo no have UT... he doesn't think it's worth using 3GBs for it
DarkonZeroHeh....he's got a point.
@JoMommaNo I just protest to using 3 gigs for _one_ game
DarkonZeroAgain....he's got a point.
@JoMommaIf it was a game and a package to develop maps
@JoMommaOr to develop mods
@JoMommaAnd THAT was 3 gigs... then it'd make sense
DarkonZeroYou can develop maps.
@JoMommaWith the program they give you?
@JoMommaIs it an optional program?
DarkonZeroIt comes with UT2003 Editor.
@JoMommaOh blah
@JoMommaI don't WANT an editor though.
* TonicBH isn't doing MST apes.
DarkonZeroI'm not either.
@JoMommaJef? Min?
@JoMommaIf min is back
DarkonZeroI think you have the option of not installing it.
DarkonZeroI just can't remember.
* @Sentroid91 takes out his sledgehammer and repeatedly smashes TonicBH in the skull.
DarkonZeroSince I pretty much install everything.....except DX.
@JoMommaMST apes
@JoMommaMST apes
@JoMommaMST apes
* @Sentroid91 applies pressure to his ring and middle fingers on his right wrist.
* @Sentroid91 shoots out a blue cable, swings it at JoMomma, and slices them apart.
DarkonZeroAnd I found I coulda joined the TSS LAN party yesterday........they didn't start the e-mailing of the password yet.
DarkonZeroWow....are we supposed to see that?
@killerbielol...it's not hooked up yet
@JoMommaGo in #half-life and +sop me or something
@killerbiebut it's like
@killerbiea beautiful thing
@killerbieand it has 6 usb ports :D
@killerbieand a new lasermouse with it
DarkonZeroAh....the all USB board.
@killerbieand new cdrw drive
@killerbiethere's four in back and two in front
DarkonZeroNo PS/2 connections?
@killerbieI think it has those too, haven't looked that thoroughly
DarkonZeroAh...I'm wrong then.
* JoMomma (jomomma@netadmin.mst3k.org) invites you to join #Half-Life
DarkonZeroThere's a mobo out that is mostly USB for ports.
@killerbieI'll have to check
* TonicBH has four USB ports: 2 front, 2 back
* @JoMomma *pokes* tonic. "Join teh channel foo!"
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (~pmccart@MSTie-6B8469C.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Rubicant (Blah@ has joined #Deep13
@JoMommaYou're there now, so...
CalHow do you spell Calvin Cooleige?
Calas in the president
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Oct 11 19:13:57 2002

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