
Session Start: Mon Oct 07 22:35:11 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 14 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ktmatape&1 Don't forget to sign! | And remember: joel.net is unresponsive'
* Set by TServo4 on Sun Oct 06 12:05:29
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
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* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@Sentroid91go away
* DarkonZero goes away.
@Sentroid91no wait
@Sentroid91hm.... that's all i gots
@Sentroid91so what's up?
* DarkonZero whips out his copy of UT2K3.
@Sentroid91Is out?
DarkonZeroI bought it today.
@Sentroid91gotta git it
DarkonZeroIt r0x0rz
@Sentroid91better than the demo?
@Sentroid91you watch G4, right?
DarkonZeroIn single player...you can come up with a team of bots.
DarkonZeroI don't get G4 out here.
DarkonZeroI tried to get it.
DarkonZeroBut COX are assholes.
@Sentroid91my Digital service has G4
DarkonZeroYeah.....Comcast started the network.
DarkonZeroI miss Starcade.
@Sentroid91no wonder parts are replayed alot. :D
@Sentroid91I miss Starrcade
@Sentroid91Speaking of which, did you catch tonight's Raw Roulette?
DarkonZeroI was actually gonna attend it......but I backed out last minute.
@Sentroid91you should've gone... those Ladder matches are the best shits to see live
DarkonZeroBut no.....I didn't watch it.....I was playing UT2K3.
@Sentroid91shame... it was actually good tonight
@Sentroid91started with a Steel Cage match
DarkonZeroDamn....I shoulda went.
@Sentroid91ended with a TLC match
DarkonZeroA friend of mine was in the 8th row.
@Sentroid91and in the middle were different matches... mostly odd
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|Sleep
@Sentroid91Jerry Lawler fought Steven Richards in a "It's Legal in Nevada" match.... Lawler left with Godfather's hos
@Sentroid91and Al Snow joined Raw and fought Test in a "L.V. Street Fight".... which was basically a hardcore match with casino objects
@Sentroid91And apparently Triple H found out that Kane murdered some girl 10 years ago
@Sentroid91I guess she died of fright from his Issac Yankem gimmick
@Sentroid91oh... and Regal had to dress up as a Showgirl
@Sentroid91Goldust too
DarkonZeroOh man.....that too funnt.
DarkonZeroNow I'm pissed at myself.
@Sentroid91The funny part was Regal was "embarrased"
* Tonic|Sleep (TonicBH@MSTie-19DEBC0E.tnt2.portland.or.da.uu.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
@Sentroid91and yet he wasn't embarrased when he kissed Vince's ass.
@Sentroid91i should check 1wrestling and see if anyone(Joey Styles, etc) recorded a report regarding tonight
@Sentroid91Loc's going to Rebellion, BTW
@Sentroid91And hopefully i'll be going to my 2nd Survivor Series next month
* ChanServ (Services@mystic-net.org) Quit (My apologies. services.mystic-net.org needs to go down for a little for a reboot. brb :x)
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@Sentroid91http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/807358 - wow
@Sentroid91you can buy tix to see Raw at the World now
* ChanServ (Services@mystic-net.org) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq ChanServ ChanServ
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* @Sentroid91 has returned.
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* Topic is 'http://www.deep13.org | 14 days until Sentroid91 v21.0. | http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ktmatape&1 Don't forget to sign! | And remember: joel.net is unresponsive'
* Set by TServo4 on Sun Oct 06 12:05:29
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-ChanServ- [#deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
DarkonZeroI'll pay that $400 for the souvenir chair!
DarkonZeroYeah....it'll be a chair that flies outta the ring and hits me in the face.
@Sentroid91RVD personally gives anyone who buys a souvenir chair a Van Damminator
@Sentroid91Robby wants me to bring some Subway Sandwiches if I go see Bischoff
@Sentroid91but i'm not
@Sentroid91I wouldn't wait in line to find out tix are SO
@Sentroid91i'd rather look online
@Sentroid91like I did last time WWE came to the Garden
DarkonZeroUgh....my head is spinning.....I played too much UT.
@Sentroid91The most dramatic events during the recent taping of "Tough Enough 3" will not be shown to viewers. One of the contestants called Lisa had a psychotic breakdown three weeks into the show. She was left alone in the house one night when the rest of the contestants had gone out. While alone, she went crazy, and was literally banging off the walls. She managed to get into the MTV control room, and then onto the roof of the house, wh
@Sentroid91She managed to get into the MTV control room, and then onto the roof of the house, where she threatened to jump off. "Big" John Gaburik was called by MTV workers, and notified of the situation. He returned to the house, and persuaded her to come down. She was put under hospital care, against her will, for a couple of days in order to protect her.
@Sentroid91Upon her release, her parents flew in from New Mexico to pick her up. At the airport, she attacked her parents, claiming she didn't know who they were. She ran through a wing of the LAX airport, causing that wing to be shut down for a short time. After another short period in hospital, she checked herself out, and called the Tough Enough officials to let her know that she was okay, and that she could return to the show. She was
DarkonZeroI'm gonna take off.....my head is killing me. Good night.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Oct 07 23:29:36 2002

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