
Session Start: Thu Sep 12 10:33:14 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '9http://www.deep13.org | Happy(or Unhappy) 9-11| R.I.P: Johnny Unitas | http://www.deep13.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=73&mode=&order=0&thold=0 '
* Set by Sentroid91 on Wed Sep 11 16:14:53
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoTheStalker (hquiej@oper.mst3k.org) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker
@RobertoTheStalkerThat was quick.
* DarkonZero wakes up.....gives the raspberry...then goes back to sleep.
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(For some unmentionable reason...)4,1
* CapNLou (~MSTieGate@cli209-8.middlesexcc.edu) has joined #Deep13
* Min-of-Vasquez is BACK, dammit!
* Min-of-Vasquez is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
CapNLouYeah i'm N. I'm a big dork. HEE HEE!
MinNope. Unless you felt like using java for once.
Minas in jasoN, correct?
CapNLouUhm... yeah.
CapNLouI am jasoN
* Min hugs de N
CapNLouI eat my own feces
MinUm... yay.
PrincessLeia2a friend of mine is sending me half-life %D!
* Min backs away.
* CapNLou looks at Min
PrincessLeia2he's sending all 4 cds %)
CapNLouYou are so shallow
* PrincessLeia2 does the happy half-life dance
CapNLouOr gullable
MinI coulda sent you Half-Life. But I already gave my only unused CD key to Tonic.
CapNLouuh... I can fool Min into thinking that i'm jasoN
* Min kills the Cap'n
PrincessLeia2s'ok, the guy i'm getting it from doesnt have it install on his computer so he said i can just use his keys
* CapNLou is now known as CapNSent
* CapNSent beats down Min with a sledgehammer for hugging him too. :P
MinYou can just put the CS, OpFor and BS source directories into yer main HL folder
MinTakes up less space with executables an' such.
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Min Min Min
@shadeOne problem: N isn't going to college.
CapNSentHey! Cap'N! YOU?!
PrincessLeia2Min: ok cool, i'll make sure i do that %)
@MinCuz in the directories you install CS, OpFor and BS into, there's a source directory inside that one. Just cut an' paste them over to the main HL dir/
@MinAn' delete the old directories. w00t.
* @Min aims her silenced Glock downwards and shoots CapNSent in the foot.
* @Min pulls out her silenced Glock, aims it downward and shoots CapNSent's OTHER foot.
@MinNow he gets TWO purple hearts.
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Machine:14,1 <DarkonZero> Ok...who wants some?
* CapNSent sends a signal to his base unit activating it and sending it with full arsenal at Min
* @Min demolishes Sent's ...uh... unit... with a rocket launcher and 50 or so rockets.
* @Min smacks CapNSent upside the head with a crowbar.
* @Min drinks TEH COKE
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(For some unmentionable reason...)4,1
@MinGo goggle yer eyes at DZ, Sento.
* DarkonZero slaps Sent.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"T.RIANGLE"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Polysics14,16,0.6,0
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
CapNSentCap'n Lou, Cap'n Lou
DarkonZero<CapNSent> <- 13PINK-O13
CapNSentSampo had some kind words...
DarkonZeroWouldn't he?
CapNSentI think he's redeemed himself.... let me read on.
CapNSentI wish Sentroid and the others pushing the petition luck, and I hope they succeed. If it does not, I do not believe it will be because of the previous relationship or "bad blood" or anything like that. The current management team at Comedy Central has, I would guess, completely turned over from the team that was in place when MST3K was airing there. Anybody who knows anything about the TV business knows that those organizations have no institu
CapNSentthat all didn't come in, did it?
PrincessLeia2organizations have no institu  <-- stopeed there
PrincessLeia2i should stop typing o_O so many typos today
DarkonZeroinstitu.....it's French.
PrincessLeia2NO FRENCH %(!
DarkonZeroOk....it's Canadian.
DarkonZero<Some Canadian> institu, eh?
CapNSentdamn this java crap
CapNSentorganizations have no institutional memory. If putting MST3K episodes back on the channel is seen as a profitable move, they will do it, and no memories of the past will prevent them. If no profit can be derived from such a move, that and that alone will be the reason the channel does not do it.
@RobertoTheStalkerWhere was this?
DarkonZeroLike SNL made them profit.......
@MinHeh, yeah...
CapNSentRob: SciFi board
CapNSentand I just posted back
* @Min runs off to play Neocron.
* Min is now known as Min[NEOCRON]
* Min has left IRC
@Min[NEOCRON]Type !ncstats to see my current Neocron status.
@Min[NEOCRON]I am playing 7NEOCRON on the Pluto server. My current character is Adrienne Valtrez . Character's current level is >> . Type !ncstats to see this information again.
CapNSentMy weapon is my hand
-Min[NEOCRON]:#Deep13- Welcome to the HEV Mark 4 Protective and Internet Relay System. Commands for my interface are: mquote; mquote, search (enter search criteria here, minus the parentheses); mncstats. Punctuation is for separation purposes, only.
DarkonZeroMy tool is in my pants.
CapNSentHey Rob?
CapNSentWhich one is Sampo? Henry or Cornell?
CapNSentposted story
CapNSentyou can copy it for deep13.org if you wish
CapNSentAnd I should probably go now. BBL
* CapNSent (~MSTieGate@cli209-8.middlesexcc.edu) Quit (Quit: HabberNet JavaChat -- http://www.habber.net/chat)
* feJ (Jef@jz51525.student.appstate.edu) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv feJ feJ feJ
@feJoh drat... the stats havent beeen updated... when will I ever find out if I have reclaimed my rightful position in 9th
* @feJ takes the stats way to seriously
@RobertoTheStalkerYes you do.
* DarkonZero eats a moon pie.
* DarkonZero eats too many moon pies.
@RobertoTheStalkerYes you do.
* @RobertoTheStalker naps.
* RobertoTheStalker is now known as RobertoTheNappingStalker
* DarkonZero thinks Robby stalks too much.
DarkonZeroHence the napping.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerI should stop picking corn, then.
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker kicks DZ in the balls twice.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThere. Now let me rest.
DarkonZeroRobby likes my balls.
DarkonZeroHe kicked them twice.
* DarkonZero shudders from the thought.
* DarkonZero goes to tach a movie.
DarkonZerowatch even.
@feJdepressing, they always cut the best part of the movies out of divx transfers
@feJWhy do people always leave during the credits? I say STAY!
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* feJ is now known as feJafk
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) has left #Deep13
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerMake up your mind already!
moreysurf8sorry I hit close on the window by accident
moreysurf8I saw possibly the worst movie ever today
moreysurf8well in french class, we had a sub, so he wanted us to watch a movie and the only movie there was......
moreysurf8Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in...Passport to Paris
PrincessLeia2my ex's little sister was obsessed with that movie...
moreysurf8I rather watch somone be mauled by a bear
PrincessLeia2sooo awful
DarkonZeroI'd watch Mary-Kate and Ashley be mauled by a bear.
moreysurf8that would be awesome
moreysurf8we should do that movie for MSTapes
PrincessLeia2making fun of the french AND mary kate and ashley in one movie? gah
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerObviously, people are anxiously waiting their spread on Playboy.
moreysurf8Passport to Paris directed by Satan
DarkonZeroRobby being the only one waiting....
PrincessLeia2hmmm why did he have that link?
PrincessLeia2dont worry napping robby, this is all just a very bad dream, in reality you didnt just tell all the people in #deep13 that you have a mary-kate and ashley olsen obsession just do /clear and it'll be all over (%
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (pmccart@miwi2dsl-a479.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerI think I'd rather live with my shame.
DarkonZeroCAL'S HERE!
CalOh great.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerWell, actually, there is one thing that'll make me feel better.
DarkonZeroYes...I am.
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker takes out a revolver and points it at DZ.
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker shoots DZ in the feet.
DarkonZeroOh...you'd like to see a fat man dance?
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerJust dance.
* DarkonZero does a happy little jig.
moreysurf8crap gotta go
* moreysurf8 (moreysurf8@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: )
DarkonZeroShoulda been....
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThat seems a little... suspicious.
DarkonZero<moreysurf8> gotta go crap
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerMy thought almost exactly.
DarkonZeroAnd this is what Robby will say.... <Robby> I just downloaded a couple of Mary-Kate and Ashley pictures....I gotta....um...heh..."edit" them.
PrincessLeia2no, robby is more classy then that, s'why he's waiting for the real thing
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerDamn straight.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerLook at it this way: I'm still not legal enough to be in pr0n myself.
* PrincessLeia2 feels old all of a sudden
DarkonZeroShit...I am......but the question is....will I be accepted.
@RobertoTheNappingStalker... well, at least for another 10 days.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerYou can do it, DZ!
PrincessLeia2another september birthday yay!
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerOr them!
PrincessLeia2in 17 days i am gonna be at a bar getting completely smashed, YAY!!!
DarkonZeroMy 27th b-day.....not until next year.
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: remember your 21st birthday? I wont remember mine either, hee!
DarkonZeroI remember mine....I don't drink....well...often.
PrincessLeia2oh %\
DarkonZeroLast time I got drunk was early morning Sept. 11th...last year.
DarkonZeroDrank a whole bottle of Quervo.....and woke up to the "excitement".
DarkonZeroAnd the puking all over myself was fun.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerAh, yes, I believe you shared that story with us.
DarkonZeroThat I did....I had a hangover at the time.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerIt must've been funny to see you get a hangover while watching explosions again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again et al.
PrincessLeia2i slept til noon that day 'cause i didnt get to sleep til 8 am
DarkonZeroI kept passing out.....
DarkonZeroNOt fun when you pass out and puke.
PrincessLeia2i imagine not O_o
DarkonZeroLuckily I had some friends that rolled me over.
DarkonZeroUgh....to think of it...the shirt I'm waering right now...is the one I puked on.
DarkonZerowearing even.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkero/~ Rollin, rollin, rollin... o/~
DarkonZeroI drink on occassion....but I drink responsibly.
DarkonZeroI found milk isn't so bad.
DarkonZeroMilk with Kahluha is even better.
PrincessLeia2i havent had kahluha in over a year...
DarkonZeroLast bit o alchy I had was Smirnoff Ice.
DarkonZerothat was before the summer.
PrincessLeia2last time i had smirnoff ice was last year on my birthday when Time came to visit me
PrincessLeia2he was all "you can buy alcohol in the GROCERY STORE?!"
PrincessLeia2silly native pennsyvanians
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerCome to think of it, I've never seen liquor in the supermarket, lately.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerOh, wait, yes I have.
DarkonZeroThey keep it behind a cage.
DarkonZeroLike it's gonna escape.
PrincessLeia2some stores keep it in it's own room o_O
DarkonZeroI wish I can drink at work at times.......it'll give me an excuse to why I'm such an asshole.
Calno shit
DarkonZeroAnd if Cal removed that spiked stick from his ass.....people may enjoy speaking to him.
DarkonZeroI enjoy speaking with Cal.
DarkonZeroI just like slappin' him around.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerWait a minute...
DarkonZeroSo inside....only Robby laughs.
@RobertoTheNappingStalker4 e-mail messages?
DarkonZeroYour fans aren't what they used to be Robby.
DarkonZeroRobby had them up to the 7s once.
DarkonZeroj/k Robby....you know I love you.
* DarkonZero hugs Robby.
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker shoots DZ with his revolver.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerI love you too, DZ. Even if our love is tough.
DarkonZeroThe one in your pants? EEEW!~
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker shoots DZ again.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerNo, don't worry.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThis is just the one in my holster.
DarkonZeroWhich you call your pants that.
DarkonZero<Robby> pants = holster
* HuzzahMan3000 (~TBCrowFan@AC94438F.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
* @RobertoTheNappingStalker simply punches DZ in the face.
PrincessLeia2'lo HuzzahMan
* DarkonZero simply kills Robby.
HuzzahMan3000how is it possible my stats dropped?
HuzzahMan3000the other day they were 31
HuzzahMan3000now they're 29
PrincessLeia2oy... stat again
* DarkonZero thinks of being a total asshole to somebody on WinMX....by cutting the download when the user is 1% away from finishing download.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThat's a bit too harsh,
DarkonZeroThe fucker has been occupying my bandwidth for over an hour.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerKILL HIM
DarkonZeroThe transfer is going  0.41 kb/s
DarkonZeroI'll be a dick about it.....I'll wait till the 1% left.
* HuzzahMan3000 (~TBCrowFan@AC94438F.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: bbl)
* DarkonZero waits patiently.
* DarkonZero does kick off the ISDN user.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerYou know, I purchased a book from an Amazon retail shop.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerI should stop trusting those kinds of shops.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThe book had a border that says "free copy - not for resale"
* Cal (pmccart@miwi2dsl-a479.wi.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* Cal has left IRC
PrincessLeia2retail shop?
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerWhich means, essentially, I purchased the book ILLEGALLY.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerAs in NOT LEGAL.
PrincessLeia2like the ones that sell used books through amazon?
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerAs in my age.
PrincessLeia2ah, yeah i've ordered from some of them before
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerThe book in itself isn't bad... it's good, it's updated, has some stuff about 9/11.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerBut the problem is, it's also new.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerSo how the hell am I going to sell it if I CAN'T???
PrincessLeia2i am sure you can file a complaint with amazon about it
* DarkonZero just got a phone call regarding his new domain name for his future site.
DarkonZeroI let the answering machine get the message.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerOr I can play turnabout and just sell it like the last guy did.
* Cal is on IRC
* Cal (pmccart@miwi2dsl-a479.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerIncidentally, my new book for cinema class arrived.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerNice stuff. Updated for 2003.
Calwho wrote it?
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerI have "Short History of Movies"
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerMast and Kawin.
CalI can reccomend some great books on cinema...although they might not be exactly what you need.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerWell, it's a textbook for a single-semester class.
* @Min[NEOCRON] is BACK, dammit!
* Min[NEOCRON] is now known as Min
* Min is on IRC
DarkonZeroSorry Min.
* @Min aims her silenced Glock downwards and shoots DarkonZero in the foot.
CalHey Greid
DarkonZeroHeh....found out that the compnay that called me about my domain name is a web hosting biz.
DarkonZeroI currently don't have the domain settle anywhere.....stupid me.
DarkonZeroI'm still trying to figure out why they called though.
DarkonZeroHopefully they weren't the company that hosted www.101h.com
DarkonZeroI may have fucked up their site somehow.
* JoMomma is on IRC
* JoMomma (jomomma@fluffy.moufette.com) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv JoMomma JoMomma JoMomma JoMomma
* @JoMomma shoots out a decoy scientist and watches it explode.
@RobertoTheNappingStalkerYo, Jo.
CalWould anyone happen to have a copy of The Conqueror on video?
DarkonZerohttp://www.nightlightpress.com/switch/ - enjoy
DarkonZero"...fast couldn't even describe it...it was like lightning....with smaller lightnings running along side it going much faster...."
DarkonZeroYet another switch ad parody.
DarkonZero...buy funny.
DarkonZerobut even.
* Neoman (Arven@AC8F24C9.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroAwww nuts.
@JoMommaMom... My nuts?
* RobertoTheNappingStalker (hquiej@oper.mst3k.org) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
NeomanWhy do you say that?
NeomanAre you tempting me?
DarkonZeroWith my nuts....I better not!
NeomanNuts used to temp me. But I've gotten back on the right path
* Neoman (Arven@AC8F24C9.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* DarkonZero gets bored with the WinMX leechers.
DarkonZeroI cut 'em off.
DarkonZeroI'll be back later....
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Sep 12 15:12:52 2002
Session Start: Thu Sep 12 21:08:07 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '#Deep13 9http://www.deep13.org | Dearest Feuding #Deep13 Regulars. STFU. Thank you. Cordially yours, Robert O. Kay.'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Sep 12 20:46:40
-ChanServ- [#Deep13] Welcome to #deep13. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.deep13.org/ but you probably already knew that.
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* AidanK is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@feJand it will only make us dislike your actions more
@Sentroid91Bye Jef.
@Min[SLEEP]Um... great. Uh... we're a sideshow, now?
@feJsad really
@Sentroid91you certainly are
@RobertoKayThat makes three people.
@Min[SLEEP]Sorry 'bout this, DZ.
DarkonZeroAbout what?
@feJHey sideshow greid? did you here the one about the beach ball?
@feJWell, I didnt either! HEY! Thankyou ladies and gents
@Min[SLEEP]He can claim his own state of mind... wow.
@Sentroid91I'm done with it for the night, though.
@Min[SLEEP]I didn't think he had the capacity.
@RobertoKayShut up.
@feJSent, what is it that you dont like about what we're saying?
@RobertoKayShut up.
@Sentroid91That's what I mean.
@RobertoKayHey, Greid?
@RobertoKayYou want me to prove I have balls?
@Min[SLEEP]If you shut up, I'll gladly shut up.
@Sentroid91Don't know how many ways I can say it... The End, Period, End of story, Finito, Fin, That's all she wrote....
DarkonZeroOkay....apparently I entered when everyone wants to be a bitch.
@feJIll stop if you will.
@AidanKhey DZ.
DarkonZeroHey AK.
@Sentroid91hey.. peeps
@Sentroid91Aidan: Is Lodo still spazzing on you?
@feJRObin Williams on leno... must watch
@Min[SLEEP]Ehm. Okay... heh.
@AidanKSent: nope
@Sentroid91he never responded to my Buddah Birthday Card either
@RobertoKayOh, hey! Speaking of which...
@RobertoKay10 days 'till I'm one-eight.
@Sentroid91early congrats
@feJhappy future birthday robbo
@Min[SLEEP]The 22nd, eh?
@RobertoKayUnfortunately, being 18 only guarantees two things.
@Min[SLEEP]Erm.. 23rd.
@Sentroid91well.. 3
@RobertoKayThat I can smoke, and that I can vote.
@Sentroid91what about driving?
@RobertoKayI'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
@RobertoKayAnd voting is meaningless.
* DarkonZero reminds himself to beat the living shit outta Rob in 10 days.
@AidanKand getting drafted
@feJvoting is impportant damnit! why dont people vote
@RobertoKayGreid: right the first time, funnily enough.
@Min[SLEEP]Yay for the negativity of being 18...
@AidanKhmm, I'll be 20 in a month
DarkonZeroWait till you hit 21.
@Sentroid91Yeah, I can't wait.
@RobertoKayOh, but being 18 means I can be in porn.
@Sentroid91I hope i'm still going to Vegas
@Min[SLEEP]I'll be 17 in another 5 and a half months...
@Sentroid91I can see it now
@Min[SLEEP]erm, six and a half.
@Sentroid91RobertoKay and R. Kelly
@Sentroid91or RK meets RK
DarkonZeroI'll be 27 next year......don't feel like doing the frickin' math countdown.
@Sentroid91<Serf> 27?!?!
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroWait till I'm 37 to play that boy.
@Min[SLEEP]Well, I'm actually gonna go to bed.
@Sentroid91no... i'll play this when you're 37...
@feJreally really?
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Min[SLEEP]Really really.
@RobertoKayThe new Jack in the Box ads are the most asinine in a long while.
@Min[SLEEP]Kill me. (No....)
@feJthey're great!
@Sentroid91Makes me glad there are none over here
@feJeven ronald mcdonald likes our new burger!
@feJIts ingenious
* @Min[SLEEP] sits in a corner of the room, sets her HEV to sleep mode and drifts off into unconsciousness, clutching a crowbar for protection.
@feJalways the crowbar...
@RobertoKayOh, great. The same-sex marriage.
DarkonZeroHey...let's make her piss in her HEV suit.
@Sentroid91Wait til you see what happens, Rob
* DarkonZero puts Min's hand in warm water.
@AidanKheh, super sit-up time....
@RobertoKayOh, no...
* @Min[SLEEP] does briefly wakes up to bash DZ's skull in, then goes back to sleep.
DarkonZeroNot the first time that happened.
@feJgreid never really sleeps
@Min[SLEEP]Actually, I do.
@Min[SLEEP]Believe it or not.
@Min[SLEEP]G'night, foo's
@Sentroid91heh... Pawn Shop: We pay cash for food
@RobertoKaySam Kinison's the People's Pawn Shop.
@Sentroid91"Gum is not a food"
@Sentroid91Rock has a Pawn Shop?
@RobertoKayIt's from his act.
@RobertoKay"I hate to let go, but I have to eat... I must eat, here's my diamond ring..."
@RobertoKay"Good, good, give him a junior burger."
@Sentroid91AHHHHH! AHHHH!!!!!
@RobertoKayWhy the hell is Hans Moleman doing the ceremony?
@Sentroid91Yeah.. that's who it is.... Hans Moleman
@Sentroid91No.. Robby... listen to the voice, you'll probably get it.
DarkonZeroNothing like having Raw Deal on Encore West and having Predator on Encore East.
@Sentroid91I was pondering today at school... does anyone know where "But I hope you have room for my fist..." came from?
DarkonZeroUh.....you think about fisting all day?
@RobertoKayI don't know. But I remember where "premature ejaculation" comes from.
@RobertoKayMan, this channel is dirty.
@Sentroid91well yeah... I know where THAT came from
@Sentroid91I own the DVD
@RobertoKayI had my damn breathalizerthing machine on.
@Sentroid91and he looks like Dan Ackroyd from Nothing But Trouble, no?
@RobertoKayDamn, that's a GREAT makeup job.
@RobertoKayNever saw that movie.
@Sentroid91it was funnt
@Sentroid91Dan Ackroyd, Demi Moore, Chevy, and John Candy
@RobertoKayWTF? The Godfather?
@feJit's a hundr'd and six miles to chicaaago
@Sentroid91HOOOOO TRAIN!
@RobertoKayToo bad the King ain't announcing.
@RobertoKayThough now, impersonating him is easy.
@RobertoKayAll you have to say is "HLA!!!" 1,000 times consecutively.
@Sentroid91The best line still had to be when Paul Heyman was announcing and they were in D.C. and Vince was making Trish strip butt naked
@Sentroid91<Heyman> I came to D.C. and I want to see Bush!
@Sentroid91or us... DZ'
@Sentroid91s sign
@Sentroid91try that again..
@Sentroid91or uh... DZ's sign at No Way Out
@Sentroid91and also Captain Lou
@Sentroid91hey I wonder if R.D. updated yet... and if so... if he got your e-mail, Rob.
* Crowbie is on IRC
* Crowbie (Jagu@Deep13-53CC0BA.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Crowbie Crowbie Crowbie
@AidanKwhat the...BIE!
* @Crowbie pounces AK
@Sentroid91No e-mail, Robbah.
@Sentroid91Maybe next week
@AidanKyeah, no kidding...
@Crowbiewhere've you been?
@CrowbieI still have no life :D
@AidanKand stuck on dialuo
@AidanKbuuuut....DSL tomorrow
@AidanKhello constant stream of mp3s
@CrowbieDDR radio = <3 <3 <3
@Sentroid91http://www.wrestlecrap.com/revengeofthescorpion.html - HAH!
@AidanKlol...GTA3...fun game for awhile
+TonicBHhi 'bie
DarkonZeroStill being a believer in the Dreamcast...I got my copy of Phantasy Star Online V.2 today.
@Sentroid91"Look R.D! I can remove my thumb from my hand and.... Lookit the mystical powers.... of the Black Scorpion!"
@Crowbieeverybody was
DarkonZeroThere moves were as fast as lightning?
DarkonZeroTheir even.
@AidanKwakachicka wakachicka wakachicka
DarkonZeroUgh....I ate too many Doritos.
@Sentroid91we need to get together and make one of those....
DarkonZeroI'm gonna 'rito all over the place.
@RobertoKayWhy didn't we?!?
@Sentroid91and like combine Black Scorpion + White Castle + Bischoff's Subway + The Magic Mirror
@Sentroid91oh and + Dusty's Ass
@AidanK+ Sent's pants
* Sound request: can't find 'dustyass.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Sentroid91uh no
@Sentroid91+ Sabeau's pants
@RobertoKayOh my God, that sounds so FUNNT.
@AidanKwhat. sex0e?
@RobertoKayWe should shoot it at a White Castle restaurant, too.
* @Sentroid91 sees Dusty's Ass in the mirror
@Sentroid91It's Ol' Silva Dolla!
@RobertoKayVader is the owner of a White Castle.
@Crowbiein bed
@Sentroid91*Bischoff stuffing his mouth with Subs <Bischoff> OOK AT WAFF?!?
@Sentroid91And then Black Scorpion reveals himself to be....
@Sentroid91WILL SASSO!
* Crowbie is now known as DDRbie
* Crowbie has left IRC
@Sentroid91Aidan: You from Alabamy, no?
@AidanKindeed I am
@Sentroid91you have a friend now. :) one of the newer regs is from near Birmingham
@AidanKreally? who?
@RobertoKayWhy does Sara resemble Stephanie McMahon now?
@AidanKcool, that's about an hour and a half from my hometown
@Sentroid91maybe she had her face fixed? She seemed less ugly this time.
Ocean-SaurianI wish one of the deep 13ers lived in VA...cept' chunk
@Sentroid91KonEl does
@Sentroid91...and I thought Jeffy Cakes did too?
Ocean-Saurianhe lives in the state right under mind
DarkonZeroSee....O-S needs to prove that he can kick ass......
Ocean-SaurianNo! I need to prove I have friends...wait...no...nevermind
Ocean-SaurianI have been trying to get one of my friends in here but they are dicks
@Sentroid91I wish I lived near Min so I can knock on her door and go all Lodo on her like "WHAS YUO PORBLEM, BEOTCH?!?
DarkonZeroI wish that I lived near all of ya......cuz...you know....I want to kill you all.
@Sentroid91Well.. you may get a chance when/if I go out there
@Sentroid91in CS Lan, that is. HEE HEE!
* DarkonZero orders an airsoft gun.
* @AidanK orders a pizza
* DarkonZero makes it 2nd day delivery.
Ocean-Saurianactually I think Discovery Zone and I would ge along like...uh...George Bush and...his ears
DarkonZeroge along?
@Sentroid91You sound like the coupon I just got from Pizza Hut
@Sentroid91"Buy 1 pizza and ge a 2nd pizza for $1"
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"T.RIANGLE"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Polysics14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroThe Japanese rock.
DarkonZeroCanadians rock.....but on a lower level.
* @AidanK listens to Gory's Zygotic Mynci
@Sentroid91Shoyu Weeine?
@Sentroid9112,1<megaSYSTEM 3.0>1,12 Feuer Frei 1-1 Rammstein(3) 12,1<mS3>
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"GTA3"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Hawking14,16,0.6,0
@Sentroid91btw: http://www.mstiegate.com/ircstats -- updated
@DDRbielol @ still have no life
DarkonZero<- Last months Deep13.org keyword.
DarkonZero#1 keyword.
@DDRbiemy quote
@AidanKgr...my arm itches,,,
@DDRbielick it
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Penny Arcade Theme"4,16,0 from 6,014,1MC Frontalot14,16,0.6,0
@Sentroid91I wanna know why I have almost 3,000 lines...
@Sentroid91and I doubt it's the quoter
* @Sentroid91 shrugs
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Silver Spoon"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Bis14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroHmmmm.....could be.
Ocean-Saurianyour songs are short DZ
@Sentroid91guess I talk too much
Ocean-Saurianhey DZ you made my ID?
@Sentroid91or else I talk too much on account of mindless bickering
DarkonZeroIt was a theme song O-S.
Ocean-Saurianah well
DarkonZeroMy skill at ID making sucks.
DarkonZeroYou have to wait till you are 21.
Ocean-Saurianwhy don't you just crop yours into the program and chance the picture and the ah...thing
DarkonZeroThe ah...thing?
Ocean-SaurianI broke him
DarkonZeromy brain.
Ocean-Saurianyou don't use it much, why are you worried?
DarkonZeroI dunoo
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Snowball (Single Remix)"4,16,0 from 6,014,1DEVO14,16,0.6,0
* DarkonZero ECKS vs. SEVER all over the room.
@Sentroid91Go do that somewhere else, you sick freak!
* @feJ listens to the post office theme Steve Miller Band - Fly Like And Eagle
@feJan eagle... even
@feJand i attempt to write 2 page essay at the same time... hmmm
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Cars (BBC Sessions)"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Gary Numan14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroOh...BTW, did the #Deep13 Radio Network meet its untimely demise?
@Sentroid91uh no
@Sentroid91I had it on last night
DarkonZeroDamn.....I must be gone alot.
DarkonZerogone meaning work.
@Sentroid91I don't really wish to start one currently... because certain persons don't deserve a #Deep13 Radio
@Sentroid91Let alone use it to broadcast
@AidanKbah, I need to go to bed...g'night all
@Sentroid91'night AK
@AidanKshould be back tomorrow...with DSL...^_^!
* AidanK (aidank@A010-0038.CTNG.splitrock.net) Quit (Quit: wakachickawakachickawakachicka Mitchell!!)
* AidanK has left IRC
@Sentroid91with root beer
DarkonZeroWe'll kick that DSL in the ass!
@Sentroid91i'm sure his DSL'll be better than DeeKs was
Ocean-SaurianI want cable badly...
@Sentroid91in bed
Ocean-Saurianbut they don't have it here
DarkonZero<O-S> I want it for the porn choices.
Ocean-Saurianthey act like I live in a remote place in the trpoics
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Across The Universe"4,16,0 from 6,014,1John Lennon14,16,0.6,0
@Sentroid91Tropical Plumber
* DarkonZero gets out the bong.
@Sentroid91<DeeZ> BONG!
* DarkonZero smokes a bowl of Cheerios.
Ocean-SaurianHello pretty lady we just wanted to say to get rid of the stuff use LIME AWAY! (backround): Lime away!
@Sentroid91Orange Glow
Ocean-Saurianoxi clean
@feJoh ya
@feJlime away mon
DarkonZeroOxy Clean my ass.
@Sentroid91Mr. Nice Jef
@Sentroid91<Mr. Nice Jef> Well I be from Jamaica, mon.... Lord have mercy!
@Sentroid91<Samsent> What part of Jamaica?
@Sentroid91<Mr. Nice Jef> Right near the beeech.... BOOOOOY!
DarkonZeroHoly shit....Blizzard Entertainment is on a banning rampage.
DarkonZeroIn keeping with our aggressive stance against hacks and cheats, we have closed 20,504 accounts that were found to be using Warcraft III map hacks, and removed their ladder records.
@Sentroid91Good thing I don't use my crack online. :D
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Home"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Sean Lennon14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroThey're mostly going after cheaters on Battle.net
* @feJ incidentally listens to Paul McCartney - Silly Little Love Song
@feJoh ya
@feJI'm glad... last year starcraft became unplayable on battle.net due to cheaters
DarkonZeroI never cheat in a multiplayer game....shows you have no skill...of course....duh.
@feJthe finally fixed it all up so that those of us who want to have fun can once again
@feJbut idjuts dont seem to get that
@feJi mean really, if i join a game and a guy has a total of 400-0-0, then i begin to wonder
DarkonZeroI only got accused for cheating once....during a game of Day of Defeat.
DarkonZeroI wasn't cheating though.
DarkonZeroI did get banned from a CS server......shot too many teamamtes on a friendly fire server.
DarkonZeroteammates even.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Joyride"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Roxette14,16,0.6,0
DarkonZeroI'm lame.
@Sentroid91in bed
DarkonZeroThe girls do say that.
DarkonZeroActually.....what's there to say if you haven't done.
* DarkonZero so wants to buy Battlefield 1942.
* RobertoKay (~hquiej@oper.mst3k.org) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
DarkonZeroI wanna like crash the planes into the enemy.
* jasoN is on IRC
* jasoN (black_rage@AC8F548E.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91no not yet
* jasoN jasons in
* Sound request: can't find 'littlenoonch.wav'
[jasoN SOUND]
@Sentroid91ok, now
jasoNYES yet
* Sentroid91 sets mode: +o jasoN
+TonicBHhi N
@jasoNi am here
@jasoNhere i am
DarkonZeroI am there.
DarkonZeroThere I am.
@Sentroid91I am Sam
DarkonZeroThat you are.
@Sentroid91Sam I Am
* jasoN is now known as Sam
* jasoN has left IRC
@Sami am sam
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Weirdo"4,16,0 from 6,014,1The Charlatans UK14,16,0.6,0
@Sam2Quote:15,2 <afro> See you later, I have some works to do, bye <Mepitans> OMG IT IS A TALKING AFRO
@Sam2Quote:15,2 <starshipe> so kitty can i share you with the moose/
DarkonZeroHarry Pothead and the Chamber of Bonghits.
@Sam2Quote:15,2 <BobIshmael> Doritos suck. Fritos are good. Cheetoes are better. <MeltingMan> I agree with Bob.... <MeltingMan> I'm scared! <BobIshmael> Sunchips are pretty good. <ThejasoN> doh, now i agree with bob <ThejasoN> heeelp! <BobIshmael> THIS ISN'T HOLLYWOOD SQUARES! <ThejasoN> and you're not gilbert gottfried
@Sam2Quote:15,2 * Locdog07 clubs De over the head with a rubber. <DeRaptor> .....I hope you meant "rubber" in the British way.
* @Sam is bored
* Sam is now known as jasoN
* jasoN is on IRC
@Sentroid91your nuts
@jasoNwhat about my nuts?
DarkonZeroHe's saying they're exposed.
@Sentroid91they're quite tasty
@jasoNyou cannot have them.
DarkonZeroWow....he hasn't even dated you yet.
@Sentroid91Dates? Uh.. no
@jasoNsentroid is some kind of pervert
@feJallo jason... im writing a paper, and thus in and out of hte room.....i know everyone was concerned
* DarkonZero wants to make a Apple.com/Switch parody.
@jasoNi never let guys nibble my nuts until the third date
DarkonZero<DZ in switch parody> I switched over to an Apple G4 cause it had all those extra ports for me to....you know....."jack in".
@feJhigh speed ports
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '#Deep13 9http://www.deep13.org | Dearest Feuding #Deep13 Regulars. STFU. Thank you. Cordially yours, Robert O. Kay. | http://www.deep13.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=1&categories=Introduction+to+%23Deep13#20 - Please read this and be aware... I don't feel like repeating '
DarkonZeroCut to shot of me having sex with G4 system.
DarkonZeroWait..I said too much.
DarkonZeroFuck Apple.
DarkonZeroI did.
@feJsad really...
@feJwhat is your goal in posting that sent?
* RobertoTheStalker (hquiej@oper.mst3k.org) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +aohv RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker RobertoTheStalker
@RobertoTheStalkerYo-yo head.
@feJword up homey
* DarkonZero watches the trailer for the movie The Ring.....
DarkonZeroIt's one fucked up movie!
* +TonicBH wants to add the Hollywood Squares quote, but that was before he came here
DarkonZeroHehe......there is a videotape...if you watch it....seven days later...YOU DIE! Kids...make sure Last Action Hero isn't in the VCR.
DarkonZeroThe Ring kinda reminda me of Silent Hill.
DarkonZeroIma Italian!
@Sentroid91The logo reminds me of the old Buffy logo
DarkonZeroI can't wait till the Silent Hill movie is made.
DarkonZeroSilent Hill freaked me out.
@Sentroid91I can't wait for Freddy vs Jason
@Sentroid91Brad Renfro got booted
* +TonicBH decides to go away.
* TonicBH is now known as Tonic|Sleep
* +Tonic|Sleep is away: Sleep is for the weak... and that means me.
@Sentroid91and they got the guy from SwimFan
@Sentroid91not the AIM bot, the movie
* feJ changes topic to '#Deep13 9http://www.deep13.org | Dearest Feuding #Deep13 Regulars. STFU. Thank you. Cordially yours, Robert O. Kay. | <Jef> Sent wants us all to know that he's not the only super op, which we all know, but he wants us to hate everyone. Either way, Jo and Rob don't hold their power over our heads.'
@feJwell, time for go to bed
* feJ (Jef@jz51525.student.appstate.edu) Quit (Quit: )
DarkonZeroThe House of the Dead teaser sucks.
@Sentroid91Jef = arse
DarkonZeroBoth the first ands second one.
* Sentroid91 changes topic to '#Deep13 9http://www.deep13.org | Dearest Feuding #Deep13 Regulars. STFU. Thank you. Cordially yours, Robert O. Kay. | <Sent> Just leave me alone, ok?'
* RobertoTheStalker changes topic to '9http://www.deep13.org | Dearest Feuding #Deep13 Regulars. STFU. Thank you. Cordially yours, Robert O. Kay. | Uncle Joe says to start censoring.'
+Tonic|SleepHouse of the Dead = sucks more than a Hoover.
* Halo09 is on IRC
+Tonic|Sleepany hardcore HotD fan could tell you that
@Sentroid91It doesn't even have the same plot, does it?
DarkonZeroThough I do like the bouncy tits on most of the girls in the movie.
* Halo09 (~none@adsl-67-116-60-252.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Halo09 Halo09 Halo09
@Halo09what movie !
DarkonZeroHouse of the Dead.
+Tonic|SleepDeeZ, If you want bouncy tits, find some half-decent ecchi (slighty perverted, no sex) anime
@Halo09like the sega game?
+Tonic|Sleeplike Burn Up Warrior and/or Excess, for instance
@Halo09yeah, or go on the internet.
@Sentroid91No... like your momma
@Halo09there's lots of bouncy tits.
+Tonic|Sleepthat too, Urb
@Halo09who is feuding?
DarkonZeroI'll buy DOA 2 for bounciness.
@Halo09from the topic.
+Tonic|SleepSent, "yo momma" jokes died when Tag Team couldn't make another hit
* DarkonZero laughs maniacly!
DarkonZeroThat was funny.
@Sentroid91Go back to bed!@
+Tonic|Sleepand I'm the Amazing Jonathan, who gives a shit?
@jasoNyo momma..has boobies
DarkonZeroHarsh, but funny.
@jasoNi have seen them
@Sentroid91OMG WTF?!?!
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "bob's breasts":12,1 <DeRaptor> And bring up some topic other than Bob's...ugh...*vomits again.* <Sentroid91> Bob's breasts? 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
@jasoNi looked at them like @_@ hey nice boobies
+Tonic|Sleepok, N, that's nice
@Sentroid911,12Quote containing "satan's horn":12,1 * Sentroid91 feeds N black milk from Satan's horn <Mepitans> Wouldn't it come from his 666 teets? <IncredibleMeltingMan> Holy crap, that's a lot of teets! 1,12Number of Quotes found: 1
+Tonic|Sleepwe don't need images of Bob's breasts, thankyouverymuch
DarkonZeroThat's funny too.
@jasoNi said yo momma not mine
@Halo09i like tits.
@Sentroid91I said Yo Momma
@Halo09and cake.
@jasoNi can talk about bob's though
@Sentroid91I seen them teets
@Sentroid91I think someone even made a pic of it... that freaking Melto, I think
DarkonZeroI still have it.
DarkonZeroI backed all that shit up.
@jasoNbob's full, heaving boobies
@jasoNready to be suckled
@Sentroid91I backed up the omega pez log
@Sentroid91and I didn't even know I had it
DarkonZeroI still have all my logs from 99.
@Sentroid91anything from Lodo?
@jasoNme too
@Halo09you are all made of fag
@Sentroid91i am made of leather
@Halo09you're a cigarette./
@Sentroid91I'm not your mate, fag!
* @Sentroid91 decks N
@Halo09biggest. idiot. ever./
@Sentroid91Remember when we DID watch this?
DarkonZeroI still have the private convo I had with Ironf....the one where he wanted to be a fag.
@Sentroid91"Flintstones List..... <Fred> Take them away!"
@Sentroid91Yesterday me and Jef had an interesting convo...
@jasoN<IronF> STICK IT IN MY BUM, DZ!!
@jasoN<DZ> no way (maybe later)
@Sentroid91How many of bin Laden's children would it take to equal the girth of Ironf?
@jasoN(that's not the actual conversation)
@Sentroid91to which Jef replied "How many of bin Laden's children would it take to equal the girth of De?"
Ocean-Saurianor...how about De and IronF...but...COMBINED!
@Sentroid91hmm... good question
@Sentroid91and remember... bin Laden has about 500,000 children
Ocean-Saurianhmm...that brings me to a new question...what if there was a half IronF and half De running around?
DarkonZeroHeh....found a log which I think was when I first started logging the chats was back in 7/8/98.
@Sentroid91SICK IMAGE, JOEY!
Ocean-SaurianIsn't that scarah?
Ocean-SaurianI mean what would it be called?
@Sentroid91sounds like a rapper
Ocean-SaurianThey put jellyfish genes into the hair follicles of the mice, which grew fur that glowed fluorescent green under the right light.
Ocean-Saurianfun with genetics!
@Sentroid91uh.... yeah
@Sentroid91they did that awhile ago
@Sentroid91cause I just saw it on like a 2001 rerun of SNL
DarkonZero* BobIshmael sings, "DO THE BOBISHMAEL! Type real fast, and make no sense. Come on, it's time to go do the BobIshmael. Talk about things, and then again. Let's do the BobIshmael, all together now. You got it! Itsa BobIshmael! Come on now! Just like that!"
Ocean-Saurianthey are trying to treat hair loss with them
@Sentroid91DO THE CAP'N LOU!
Ocean-SaurianMice whose fur glows green may be the first step to using gene therapy to treat hair loss, baldness and perhaps even to permanently change hair color, researchers say.
* Ocean-Saurian does the "Cap'n Lou"
@Sentroid91SOME SAY THAT I
@Sentroid91CAP'N LOU CAP
@Sentroid91'N LOU CAP'N LOU!
@Sentroid91CAP'N LOU, CAP'N LOU...
DarkonZeroMan....looking at the old logs makes me remember when I wasn't that bright.
DarkonZeroI'm even less brighter now.
DarkonZeroIf I can only remember the date of which we made fun of omega's pic of Dracula.
DarkonZeroI know I have a log of it.
@Sentroid91no date
@Sentroid91"Dracula comes out during an eclipse to make bats!"
@Sentroid91"Why haven't I bombed Romania?"
DarkonZeroI don't see anything wrong with that picture."
@Sentroid91"He looks as if Bela Lugosi and the Pink Panther had a baby."
DarkonZero"I'll get you, Captian America!"
DarkonZeroI think the one on the left.
Ocean-Saurianis Captain lou a wrestler?
@Sentroid91He was a manager back in the day
@Sentroid91like the 70's - early 90's
@Sentroid91before all this Gay/Lesbian shit
DarkonZeroWhen the ol' Hulkamaniacs were around.
@Sentroid91back when it was fun to watch it... when WCW still existed... though I still have a feeling it just may... if McMahon truly is using Russo's plan
@Sentroid91and it sure as hell seems like he is
Ocean-Saurianwhat's wrong with lesbo's sent?
Ocean-SaurianI think every guy likes them
@Sentroid91There's nothing wrong with lesbo's in general....
Ocean-Saurianoh heh
@Sentroid91But not having them shown on cable TV
@Sentroid91TNN got pissed at WWE
Ocean-Saurianthey should make a TV channle with nothing but lesbo's...kissing...and feeling each other
@Sentroid91uh don't they?
Ocean-SaurianYes but I don't wanna pay for it
@Sentroid91you have to
@Sentroid91even  if you want to watch the softcore porn on like HBO/Showtime
@Sentroid91those girls on the 1-900-Girl  commericals are always feeling each other up
DarkonZeroJust to know that their love for you is a lie!
* @DDRbie actually goes afk now
@Sentroid91you mean you weren't before?
* DarkonZero watches Unbreakable.
* @jasoN breaks DZ
DarkonZeroI'm watching it....I didn't say I am.!
@jasoNdoesn't matter
@jasoNyou are broken, m'man
* DarkonZero kills N.
DarkonZeroj00 d34d f00!
Ocean-Saurianwhy did you call N a japanese name in l33t7?
@jasoNhow did you do that?
@jasoNyou are gay fellows
DarkonZerowww.megatokyo.com <- good webcomic.
@Halo09back when it was fun to watch it... when WCW still existed... though I still have a feeling it just may... if McMahon truly is using Russo's plan"
@Halo09what does that mean ??
@Sentroid91which does what mean now?
@Halo09back when it was fun to watch it... when WCW still existed... though I still have a feeling it just may... if McMahon truly is using Russo's plan
@Sentroid91uh... it was fun to watch wrestling when there was more than 1 show(WWE). And WCW may make a return.
@Halo09a return as a formal company?
@Sentroid91If Vince(McMahon) is really using Vince(Russo's) plan
@Halo09thats the part i was getting at.
@Sentroid91ok... let me break it down, cause I see what you're getting at.
@jasoNMr.T would beat them all
DarkonZero<Mr. T> Shut it, sucka!
@Sentroid91When Russo came back for those 2 - 3 days a few months ago he pitched an idea to McMahon: Bring in a bunch of guys: Goldberg, HBK, Scott Steiner, Mick Foley, and have Bischoff head up the group... and possibly Raw and change Raw to Nitro
@Sentroid91And it seems quite possible... I mean if you haven't seen...
@Sentroid91Bischoff got rid of the Hardcore and Euro belts
@Sentroid91Gave HHH the "World" Title which is actually the WCW Belt
@Sentroid91Put the announcer's table up by the stage... like Nitro had
DarkonZeroLater folks....games are calling me.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Sep 12 23:38:12 2002

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