
Session Start: Fri Aug 16 06:16:24 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '3http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 has arrived, babah! All ops: Please register with nickserv so that you may recieve oppage here. | http://411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1254 "Eddie Guerrero is amazing. In bed." | <Cal> I respect Jo. *snickers* <Locdog07> he has pink hair'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Aug 15 22:46:28
* darkangel is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Leia2|ZzZzz is now known as PrincessLeia2
* PrincessLeia2 wakes up
PrincessLeia2hmm... Eric? If that is the eric i think it is i am not sure i want to chat here anymore
PrincessLeia2freebsd, habbernet... yeah, that's definately the jerk i'm thinking about
PrincessLeia2woa, ntropy is in here
* @Sentroid[SLEEPING] has returned.
* Sentroid[SLEEPING] is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
PrincessLeia2morning sent
* Sound request: can't find 'mirror.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
PrincessLeia2yeah, inturruping my peaceful monologue like that ;)
DarkonZeroI implore you to reconsider.
* @Sentroid91 makes DeeZ eat some Taco Bell
DarkonZeroIt's Hell now.
* DarkonZero is now known as HellMacGee
* DarkonZero has left IRC
* HellMacGee is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
* @Sentroid91 makes Hell eat some Taco Bell
@Sentroid91Macho burrito
* HellMacGee wishes he never brought all his bottles of Mr. Green to work.
HellMacGeeI'm thirsty.
@Sentroid91Who is Mr. Green now?
@Sentroid91Tom Green?
HellMacGeeIt's a drink from Sobe.
@Sentroid91It's probably his piss
HellMacGeeIt's basically Dr. Pepper with ginseng.
PrincessLeia2they come in soda bottles right?
PrincessLeia2yeah i saw that... was scared o_O
HellMacGeeGood shit.
HellMacGeePepsi Blue on the other hand.
@Sentroid91is good
PrincessLeia2i still havent seen pepsi blue
HellMacGeeThough for some odd reason......I don't like it...but I'd still drink it.....though I rip of the label and relabel it as "Fizzy Smurf Urine".
@Sentroid91We'll have them rename it DeeZee Pee-Pee
HellMacGeeNow....I just need to find some Red Fusion Dr. Pepper....and then my drinking habits will be good.
@Sentroid91the hell is that?
HellMacGeeYou go find out.
* Locdog07 is on IRC
PrincessLeia2when we look back at the early '00s it will be known as the decade of color flavored sodas
* Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Locdog07 Locdog07 Locdog07
* Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has left #Deep13
PrincessLeia2they will probably blame it on the flouride in the water
* Locdog07 has left IRC
HellMacGeeZoomer Loc.
HellMacGeeAgain....the Dr. Pepper Co. keeps it secret on what is exactly in Red Fusion Dr. Pepper.
@Sentroid91So it's red Dr. Pepper, then?
HellMacGeeA mix of fruit flavors......WHICH FRUITS!?!?!
HellMacGeeSporting an alluring red color and use of a variety of fruit flavors, including the basic flavor profile of Dr Pepper,
HellMacGeeThe red color is alluring.
HellMacGeeComments about Pepsi Blue..."The only unexploited color in soft-drink marketing is puke yellow..." - Joe Bob Briggs.
@Sentroid91Joe Bob Briggs? Where the hell is he these days?
HellMacGeeProbably still being a critic.
@Sentroid91Monstervision was fun every so often
HellMacGeeThe Joe Bob Report
HellMacGeeOh god......
HellMacGeeBoth the actor and an anonymous New Line executive tell Fango that the production has "rethought" the character to make Jason both more sympathetic and a closer physical match to opponent Freddy (Robert Englund, who has signed on). To get an idea of what the filmmakers have in mind, the new Jason casting breakdown calls for an actor "who can emote pain and anguish over the loss of a loved one... [we're looking for] someone with poetic eyes." The idea is to make Jason a "sad, pathetic, Phantom of the Opera-type character," says our New Line source
HellMacGeeKane Hodder will not be in Freddy vs. Jason.
@Sentroid91Old news
* HellMacGee is now known as DarkonZero
* HellMacGee has left IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] You are already identified
DarkonZeroI can't believe that the Cartoon Network broguth back a childhood memory for me.....He-Man and The Masters Of The Universe.
DarkonZerobrought even.
* Eric (eric@ has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91Yep... today's the movie
PrincessLeia2sometimes opera just decided to rearrange my bookmarks and confuse m
* PrincessLeia2 types
@Sentroid91My finger points!
DarkonZeroHeh....I got invited to beta test a game since I played the company's first game.
DarkonZeroArmy is outta beta.....Asheron's Call 2 actually.
DarkonZeroShit....I haven't even played Asheron's Call for over a month.
* @Sentroid91 still waits for the e-mail from X-Box
DarkonZeroI can't even get my charater past level 8.
DarkonZerocharacter even.
* DarkonZero checks his Magic: The Gathering Online card deck.
* PrincessLeia2 pats R²D²'s MTG script
DarkonZeroMy deck sucks.
* Eric (eric@ Quit (Foozone.Quit: Reconnecting)
DarkonZeroI need more cards......but I have no money.
* Eric (eric@stan.othius.com) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2my decks suck too, but only 'cause i cant build decks %D
DarkonZeroNeither can I.
DarkonZeroI just threw in cards that seem to work well.
PrincessLeia2me too, hehe
PrincessLeia2http://www.princessleia.com/Magic  <-- my decks are there
DarkonZeroGots me a black and white deck.....was gonna make a black and red.
PrincessLeia2i have a black deck... a green deck... and a multicolor green deck
* PrincessLeia2 looks at that page
PrincessLeia2heh, i need to change my wishlist... since i got the card i wanted
* Eric (eric@stan.othius.com) Quit (Foozone.Quit: shooting rubberbands at the moon)
PrincessLeia2my bot has a card definition script... just with cards that friends and I play with...
DarkonZeroMy card are virtual....I have no physical copies....unless I redeem them.
DarkonZerocards even.
PrincessLeia2is that mtg online game still in testing?
PrincessLeia2heh, cool... i never tried playing... i wouldnt go into windows for just a game %s
* r2d2 (PL2sFamili@clockbot.net) has joined #Deep13
PrincessLeia2helps if i load the script %D
PrincessLeia2he has a 20 sided die
PrincessLeia2and if you ask a card name (depending on if it's in the list of course...) he will tell you the description in pm
PrincessLeia2`dark ritual
PrincessLeia2<r2d2> Dark Ritual - Instant; Cost: 1 black; Add 3 black mana to your mana pool
PrincessLeia2yeah, that's all this script does, heh
PrincessLeia2we just trust each other that we arent lying about cards drawn %)
DarkonZeroHeh....can't trust me.....I played Battleship with my lil' bro once and I kept moving my ships around.
PrincessLeia2that's terrible %)
DarkonZeroI'm just evil that way.
PrincessLeia2hmm, then of course r2 has all his normal scriptys
* r2d2 hands PrincessLeia2 a cup of MykBev's Coffee
PrincessLeia2ok, enough of r2
r2d2don't follow me!
* r2d2 (PL2sFamili@clockbot.net) has left #Deep13
* Eric (eric@stan.othius.com) has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroI gotta quit buying games.
DarkonZeroI haven't even gotten far in Neverwinter Nights.
PrincessLeia2the linux version of that isnt coming out til november %(
* PrincessLeia2 waits
DarkonZeroWell....at least it's coming.
PrincessLeia2i shouldnt complain too much %)
@Sentroid91Stop whining!
* PrincessLeia2 stops
DarkonZeroEver since Loki went out.....hardly any porting to Linux ever happens.
PrincessLeia2their UT stuff rocked
* PrincessLeia2 plays UT in linux all the time %)
PrincessLeia2cant really play it in windows, it's too slow on my machine %(
DarkonZeroUT on windows sucks.
* PrincessLeia2 pats r2
DarkonZeroI just uninstalled it again.
PrincessLeia2in linux i shut down all my services and just run UT... it's very nice %)
DarkonZeroThe only game that will stay on this bucket I'm using all the time will be Half-Life.
PrincessLeia2i was never a big fan of half-life.. maybe i just didnt give it enough of a chance
DarkonZeroTo each their own.
PrincessLeia2i was pretty addicted to diablo2 when a friend of mine gave me a copy of half-life
* @Sentroid91 needs to start playing Wolfenstein again
DarkonZeroI just have Half-Life for the mods.
DarkonZeroI gotta continue with Wolfenstein also.
PrincessLeia2ah, see i never was exposed to any of the mods or anything
@Sentroid91Maybe i'll set up a server?
DarkonZeroThe mods for Half-Life are fun....Science & Industry is fun.
PrincessLeia2so i hear
DarkonZeroI've gotten back into Team Fortress though.
* DarkonZero remembers a recent mishap in the Army game he had.
DarkonZeroI fell off the bridge.
@Sentroid91Maybe i'll set up a server?
DarkonZeroMaybe later.
PrincessLeia2for what game?
DarkonZeroI don't DM anymore......
Ericctf is where it's at ;P
DarkonZeroCounter-Strike kinda goes into the DM stuff noe.
PrincessLeia2stfu @ ctf
DarkonZeronow even.
PrincessLeia2hehee acronyms
Ericaw cmon
@Sentroid91well whatever. i'll set up a Wolfenstein CTF server
Ericctf is fun
* PrincessLeia2 writes an email
Ericthere's an actual objective
Ericother than "kill everyoenoenn@!"
* @Sentroid91 sets up a server
DarkonZeroI'd rather play Day of Defeat......hide out near the enemy spawn trying the cap the last cap point.
Erictoo bad no one plays q3 ctf anymore
@Sentroid91I'll wait 5 minutes. If nobody shows i'm shutting it down.
DarkonZeroJust shut it down.
DarkonZeroIf Q3 quit acting up on my comp.....I'd play Threwave CTF.
DarkonZero3Wave even.
Erici usually play osp ;p
Ericit's against the law to be here
* Eric (eric@stan.othius.com) has left #Deep13
* DarkonZero looks for solution for Q3 prob.
DarkonZeroOk.....he gets peered....returns.....speak a bit.....then leaves.
DarkonZeroI think he'll return soon.
PrincessLeia2i doubt it
PrincessLeia2Eric and PrincessLeia2 do not chat %)
DarkonZeroI noticed.
PrincessLeia2so one of us had to leave
PrincessLeia2stupid dumb irc problems o_O
PrincessLeia2stupid dumb everything in fact
* PrincessLeia2 munches on a penguin minty
* DarkonZero ducks and covers.
* PrincessLeia2 offers a penguin minty to DarkonZero
PrincessLeia2%d caffinated peppermints
DarkonZeroI'll be back in a while....doing system tweaks.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Aug 16 08:40:58 2002
Session Start: Fri Aug 16 10:40:14 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '3http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 has arrived, babah! All ops: Please register with nickserv so that you may recieve oppage here. | http://411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1254 "Eddie Guerrero is amazing. In bed." | <Cal> I respect Jo. *snickers* <Locdog07> he has pink hair'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Aug 15 22:46:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* darkangel is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Locdog07 is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
@RobertoKayYo-yo head!
* darkangel slaps DarkonZero with a loaded 4,5BRICK
* Looking up PrincessLeia2 user info...
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* darkangel is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Locdog07 is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@MinHow does one load a brick, anyhow?
* Sentroid91 (servo911@pool-138-89-143-156.mad.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@Sentroid91Your server died, didn't it?
@RobertoKayYo-yo head!
@MinNo, hl.exe farked up. hee
@Sentroid91so your server died. :P
@MinPretty much.
@MinBut I still kicked your ass.
@Sentroid91Yeah. I guess so.
DarkonZeroSent was train to play HL wrong....a child could beat him.
DarkonZerotrained even.
@Sentroid911/kick #Deep13 Darkonzero
@MinWell, I gotta admit, your forte is more organized team mods, not deathmatch.
@MinAn' mine is deathmatch. I'm more of a loner. XD
@Sentroid91<Min> And Ricochet. But that mod sux.
@Sentroid91I'm better at regular HL, Deathmatch Classic, and Counter-Strike
@Sentroid91and yes, Ricochet
DarkonZeroI'm good at CS and DoD.
@Sentroid91Yeah, but nobody asked you. :P
DarkonZeroI thought my input was much needed.
darkangelI'm good at TFC
DarkonZeroUnlike you.
@Sentroid91You need to go drink some more Tom Green piss. :D
DarkonZeroGo have your Fizzy Smurf Urine.
darkangelTime for some dance dance KARNOV
@Sentroid91I'll go drink it in my VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!
DarkonZeroHis van down by the Jersey River.
@MinOr down by the bladder.
@Sentroid91Jersey doesn't have any rivers
@Sentroid91only beaches
DarkonZeroWell....after you drinking...there should be.
@Sentroid91After you drinking?
@Sentroid91Who are you the mighty Thor?
DarkonZeroNice one.
@Locdog07my friend sent the Honky Tonk Man an email
@Locdog07he said "You are old, fat, and gay"
@Locdog07The HTM responded "so are you"
@Sentroid91He should've been like "HAH HAH! YOU GOT YOUR ASS ROXORED BY WARRIOR IN 3 SECONDS!!!"
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Machine:14 * UrbanD posts the screenshot to every newsgroup <jasoN> even alt.sex.lodovik? <UrbanD> TWICE! <jasoN> cool! <DarkAngel> Lodo will have a nut-jigglin' time from that one.
@Sentroid91Min's invisible quote
@MinTo you.
@MinMr. Gray background.
DarkonZeroI read that as "Mr. Gay background".
DarkonZeroMy contacts are drying out.
* PrincessLeia2 has a transparent chat window
@MinHmm. Coulda sworn I made the quotes on a black back, but I digress.
* PrincessLeia2 sees her desktop
* @Min checks...
@Locdog07Sent = foo
@Sentroid91So I guess that means I own the whole network of servers then.
@Locdog07I meant to write it like this
@Sentroid91Sent = a stupid dumb faggot asshole.
@Locdog0714Sent = foo
@Sentroid91I guess today is Sent Bashing Day
@RobertoKayWhee! A Sentroid-bash!
* PrincessLeia2 gets versioned
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Machine:14,1 <Cal-Crowe> TS said to go light on insulting him. <Sentroid91> Oh, ok then. <Sentroid91> TS fucks his mother's lamp <Briggs> His... mother's lamp? <crapN> <Lodovik> AHHH! ELECTRICITY MAKES ME NUTS *REALLY* JUGGLE
@MinWelcome, whiny-ass
@Sentroid91turd burgular
@Locdog07John Kimbel
* Sound request: can't find 'imacop.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'helloquitiepie.wav'
[@Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'johnkimbel.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'ddp.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Locdog07why is there a big red line across my screen
@Sentroid91hit ctrl+l
@MinDunno. It's happened ta me, before.
@Sentroid91you're welcome
* Sound request: can't find 'voxtrick.wav'
[@Locdog07 SOUND]
* Sentroid91 is now known as Merlin
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
@Locdog07YO WULCUM
* Merlin is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@RobertoKayOkay... why the hell do I hear kids screaming outside?
@Sentroid91<Vox> Oh shit.....
@MinYou're scaring them?
* Sound request: can't find 'sentvsde.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Locdog07maybe De is there
PrincessLeia2prolly 'cause there are kids screaming outside o_O
@Sentroid91<Robby> GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!
@RobertoKayHillbilly Billy and his rifle.
@Sentroid91If he sees some girl that can't stop giggling pulling on some other girl's hair... then yes. It is De
@RobertoKayYou mean "girly-man";s hair.
@Locdog07Hilbilly Jim = Rob
@Sentroid91no. I mean girl
@RobertoKayI'm not that hairy.
* Sound request: can't find 'poordog.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@RobertoKayOh, okay.
@MinHow do WE know that?
@Locdog07Yeah but you're that....... uh... you uh... you manage the Godwinns
@Sentroid91Fuzzy Robkins
@RobertoKayYou're just not supposed to.
@MinThat's just twisted.
@RobertoKayAnd Loc, you don't know that.
* @Locdog07 watches Sunny moon Rob
@Min7,1Quote containing "birth":14,1 <RobertoKay> I just played a mother who had recently given birth. 7,1|14,1 1 7,1out of14,1 226 7,1quotes found.
@RobertoKayThat is so old.
@Locdog07Sunny's ass?
@MinWell, with the recent unveiling of your mug, it has a kind o' new beginning, methinks.
@Minmug-shot, even. XD
* darkangel shoot
@Locdog07don't shoot in public
@Locdog07get some kleenex
DarkonZeroHow clean is Kleenex?
@Locdog07it's an ex-clean
@Locdog07this clean is deceased
@Locdog07it is dead
DarkonZeroIs it Mr. Clean clean?
@Min7,1Quote has been added:14,1 <RobertoKay> Okay... why the hell do I hear kids screaming outside? <Min> You're scaring them? <Locdog07> maybe De is there <PrincessLeia2> prolly 'cause there are kids screaming outside o_O 7,1Thank you for your stupidity.
@Min7,1Quote has been added:14,1 <RobertoKay> Okay... why the hell do I hear kids screaming outside? <Min> You're scaring them? <Locdog07> maybe De is there <Sentroid91> <Robby> GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN! <RobertoKay> Hillbilly Billy and his rifle. <Locdog07> Hilbilly Jim = Rob <RobertoKay> I'm not that hairy. <Sentroid91> Fuzzy Robkins 7,1Thank you for your stupidity.
@RobertoKayI guess quoting me twice says a lot about you, doesn't it?
@MinI like to drain every last quote out of #Deep13... or not.
@Locdog07Do you think Peter Pan and Tinkerbell were... you know...?
PrincessLeia2oooo i'm in a quote
@RobertoKayEven the ones that aren't funny?
PrincessLeia2that makes my day
PrincessLeia2god i have no life
@MinI deleted most of those, foo'
DarkonZeroThe good ones?
@Locdog07xquote, search princess
darkangelI never had a life
PrincessLeia2actually... i guess i never did either
PrincessLeia2hey at least i dont know what i'm missing %D
darkangelno, see
darkangelYou have a boyfriend, whom you live with
darkangelThus, you have a life
PrincessLeia2i met him online %D
PrincessLeia2hmmm, so it's still sorta like the online thing
DarkonZeroI have a life.....but it mostly revolves around work.....in turn meaning I don't have a life.
darkangelYou still physically live with him :p
* Comebackcrow (Comebackcr@pm1-46.tvn.net) has joined #Deep13
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
darkangelYou are interacting with a person outside the family more than once a week, you have a life :p
@Locdog07physically ;)
@Min7,1Min's Holographic Quote Machine:14,1 *** TedVMikels is now known as Icky-Elf <Locdog07> Kicky-elf? *** Icky-Elf was kicked by Locdog07 (Locdog07) *** Icky-Elf has joined #deep13 * Locdog07 grins <Icky-Elf> you are being a hazard to this community.. <Locdog07> Yep.
@MinI knew you were gonna do that.
@Locdog07you don't live with him mentally
@Locdog07nudge nudge
@Locdog07wink wink
@Locdog07say no more
DarkonZeroDAMN INTERNET! WHY ISN'T THERE ANYTHING NEW...other than porn!?!?!
Comebackcrowbooooo  i am a scary ghost
* @Min gives Loc a lobotomy.
PrincessLeia2pr0n isnt new
* @Locdog07 dies.
DarkonZeroI mean new porn.
darkangelTHere's new pr0n?
darkangelPOINT ME TO IT!
darkangelI mean..
Comebackcrowtheres porn on the internet?
@RobertoKayInternet variety = comedy, drama, dancing and porn.
Ocean-Saurianwhat's porn?
DarkonZeroMostly porn.
DarkonZeroO-S....let me send you some.
@RobertoKayI said variety. Porn only gets 30% attention.
Comebackcrowwow i thought there was just old science magazines...hmm might have to check into this...
@Min7,1Quote has been added:14,1 <Comebackcrow> theres porn on the internet? 7,1Thank you for your stupidity.
PrincessLeia230%? ha
DarkonZero99% is more like it.
DarkonZeroMost of that is me.
@Minonly 30%? There's more "sexually deprived" people out there on the internet than THAT
@RobertoKayIn a variety Internet.
PrincessLeia2hehe Min
@MinI'd say 50% at least. x_x
Ocean-Sauriantake me for example
Comebackcrowno thanks
@RobertoKayOh, no one pays attention anymore.
Ocean-SaurianI can't get a date if my life depended on it
@RobertoKayYou damned whacko-heads.
Comebackcrowpee pee head
@MinThe world's more fucked up than ya think. x_x
PrincessLeia2i never had problems getting dates... after i graduated high school... stupid high school... stupid peers, I HATE THEM ALL *burns her yearbook*
* @RobertoKay lights fire on a secret compound.
@RobertoKayI hated high school, and always will.
DarkonZeroWhat's high school?
* PrincessLeia2 toasts marshmellows over her burning yearbook
Ocean-SaurianYeah well, I can't get a date to save my life
@RobertoKayI didn't even buy my yearbook. HAHAHAHAHA.
Comebackcrowthers a high school?
Ocean-Saurianwhat's high?
PrincessLeia2my parents bought mine as a "gift"
DarkonZeroI haven't been to school for a long time now.
PrincessLeia2"we paid to get your a nice photo in there!"
@RobertoKay<Ed McMahon> HEY-OOOOOO!!!!
Ocean-SaurianI bought year books...my parents thought it was amusing to catalog my years of being hated
Comebackcrowis it called high school because its on a mountain?...or is it a school to which those that go get high?
darkangelI was on the yearbook team for my junior year
darkangelI made the cover and page numbers and TOC
* darkangel feels special
DarkonZeroSpecial Olympics special?
Ocean-SaurianI was never quoted
@MinHigh school isn't nearly as bad as grade school and middle school were. x_x
Ocean-SaurianI was never in addentional pictures
@MinFor me, at least.
DarkonZeroI have yet to see college.
PrincessLeia2i remember in the 8th grade year book they had a pic of "everyone in the 8th grade" they forgot me, that page is no longer in my yearbook... i had serious issues %)
Ocean-SaurianI guess I always flew under the radar
darkangelI remember my 8th grade yearbook
darkangelthey took a picture of my history class
ComebackcrowI was voted most likely to snipe from a rooftop
darkangelwhile we were doing presentations
darkangeland I was clapping
DarkonZeroOf course at my age....I could get into college depending on how much money I can spend.
darkangeland it looks like I'm flipping off the camera
darkangelMy parents were like "WTF"
@MinReal life society is cold and corrupt, for the most part. As is the majority of online community. x_X;
* darkangel is hot and pure
PrincessLeia2true, but nothing is as bad as the cliques and stupidness of school
PrincessLeia2it's such a false sense of reality
PrincessLeia2i bet half those popular kids are killing themselves because they left high school and lost their crowns
DarkonZeroI'll be right back.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Aug 16 11:15:07 2002
Session Start: Fri Aug 16 11:22:44 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '3http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 has arrived, babah! All ops: Please register with nickserv so that you may recieve oppage here. | http://411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1254 "Eddie Guerrero is amazing. In bed." | <Cal> I respect Jo. *snickers* <Locdog07> he has pink hair'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Aug 15 22:46:28
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
PrincessLeia2wont last 44 minutes in my hands %)
* darkangel is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Locdog07 is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* RobertoKay is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
Comebackcrowstop drinking? BLASPHEMY!!!
* PrincessLeia2 recalls an especially painful morning after st patricks day '01
Comebackcrowi quit smoking....thats bad for you...but drinking, thats good foor you....
PrincessLeia2i had this friend of mine that LOVED tequila... we passed the bottle back and forth for like a half hour.. while sitting down of course
PrincessLeia2i dont remember much after standing up
PrincessLeia2woke up the next morning on the couch leaning up against my boyfriend's (at the time.. he's my ex noew) cousin, and all his friends saying "woo! matt got his wish, he got to sleep with lyz!"
PrincessLeia2i was like "wtf... ack *moves to other side of couch*"
PrincessLeia2ah drunken parties %)
Comebackcrowdrunken promdates...FROM THE YEAR 5000!!!!!
Comebackcrowi accuse my parents really....
darkangelDarkonZero: Do you mass-whois when you come in the room?
DarkonZeroIt seems like I'm drunk everyday...I always try to pick fights and cuss people out.
@RobertoKayMaybe you just are.
Comebackcrowi have a jim beam IV
Comebackcrowits the signature series
@Sentroid91yeay. thunderstorm
Comebackcrowwell.....whats the ep tomorrow?
Comebackcrowum well.....thunder birds
@RobertoKayNo shi'ite.
Comebackcrowshitake even
* @Locdog07 would point out that there'll be a Thunderbirds live action movie, but he's dead
darkangelEAT SOME SHIT
* darkangel drums
* Comebackcrow is now known as Harry_Potter
* DarkonZero would like to kill Hamtaro.
* KatLady is on IRC
* Harry_Potter raises Locdog07 from the daed
* KatLady (vicfal@dialup- has joined #Deep13
DarkonZeroHey there.
* Harry_Potter is now known as Comebackcrow
KatLadyhey there DZ
KatLadyhi Loc
* DarkonZero sends Robby to kill Hamtaro.
KatLadyhowdy comeback
Comebackcrowarrrgh!!! take your pills man!!
* Comebackcrow hands darkonzero his pills
DarkonZeroI had pills?
Comebackcrowjust take em'!!!!!
DarkonZeroI'm in no need for mdication.
DarkonZeromedication even.
* Comebackcrow forces pills down his throat
PrincessLeia2hrm, i want to go for a walk, but it's too hot, i never realized philly was this hot
* PrincessLeia2 moves
darkangelOregon hit 100+ weather earlier this week
darkangelwhich is very unusual
DarkonZeroI got a few more hours till I get to see a all new Masters of the Universe.
Comebackcrowits snowing here
PrincessLeia2it's been up around 100 here all week %(
PrincessLeia2i have a/c .. but still, i cant leave the house
Comebackcrowyep...here in the deep south...its a snowing
Comebackcrowor raining...i get confused
PrincessLeia2it doesnt even snow here!
PrincessLeia2i saw snow like once %(
PrincessLeia2i miss maine %(
PrincessLeia2i hate pa %(
Comebackcrowwell...go back?
PrincessLeia2'cept Time lives here %D i like that %D
PrincessLeia2no economy in maine, it's like canada
Comebackcrowwell you could build a tenement next to the beach and call it a resort hotel
PrincessLeia2a beach in maine... where the ice hits the rocks ;)
* DarkonZero hits himself for not ordering the Spike Spiegel action figure.
* Comebackcrow hits him too
darkangelIT snows sometimes here
Comebackcrowwhat does?
darkangelbut its done less and less in the past few years
darkangelI think we're getting closer to the sun
DarkonZeroAlso sucks that I missed out on a Vash the Stampede figure too.
* Comebackcrow kicks him in the head
darkangelLOVE AND PEACE ^^ V
Comebackcrowin bed
PrincessLeia2i remember back in the day when the snow used to get higher than them thar roofs
PrincessLeia2jk (%
Comebackcrowheh....global warming and super sun activity
darkangelWhy, back in my day, I walked to school, uphill both ways, for 15 miles, in the snow
Comebackcrowand that huge planet thats supposed to be comming
PrincessLeia2darkangel: me too
Comebackcrowback in 92 we had a blizzard...
Comebackcrow3-6 feet of snow
darkangelmost we had here was like 10 inches
darkangelwell, in the portland-metro area
PrincessLeia2in '98 maine had a really bad ice storm
* KatLady will brb
PrincessLeia2no snow
* KatLady is now known as Kat-BRB
* KatLady has left IRC
darkangelWe have ice out the ass every winter
darkangelBlack ice
darkangelwe have so many accidents
PrincessLeia2the whole state was declared a disaster area, first time maine was ever on national news
Comebackcrowisnt it always....a disaster..area?
PrincessLeia2no, usually more boring than that
PrincessLeia2but boring is a big plus when i choose a place to live %)
Comebackcrowohhh, im thinkin of new jersey
PrincessLeia2ugh jersey
* PrincessLeia2 is a philadelphian noew, a jersey hater
darkangelI want to buy Rhode Island and turn it into a giant LAN party
Comebackcrowbut what about jay and silent bob?
PrincessLeia2oooh, i'd visit Rhode Island then
PrincessLeia2oh right jay and silent bob %\
darkangelI am missing a lan party this weekend
PrincessLeia2heh, actually my dad's from jersey too
darkangelcause I have a friend coming over, and we're gonna go bowling with some out of state friends
Comebackcrowwooohooo bowling...
Comebackcrowtoo much fun....cant...make it
darkangelbut the next weekend will make up for it
darkangel40 person TFC lan party :D:D
Comebackcrowis that sorta like a swinging singles party?
darkangelYou shall now die.
* Comebackcrow dies
* Comebackcrow gets alive again
@RobertoKayEat your damn vegetables.
darkangelI need some loud music
darkangelI'm in a loud music state of mind
* Kat-BRB (vicfal@dialup- Quit (Ping timeout)
@Sentroid91Really really big thunderstorm
PrincessLeia2last time we had a big thunderstorm it zapped our a/c
* Sound request: can't find 'momma.wav'
[Comebackcrow SOUND]
Comebackcrowi remember thst one thing that happened that one time
darkangel12Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600) uptime -14 5d 22h 40m 48s
@Sentroid91BTW: Leia: :P
* @RobertoKay returned from a shower, BTW.
* Sound request: can't find 'amadeusclues.wav'
[@Locdog07 SOUND]
Comebackcrowput some clothes on sir!!!
@Sentroid91And i'm sure Bie would say the same.
@RobertoKayI have clothes on, you sick freak.
DarkonZeroThere it goes......nightmares for a week.
PrincessLeia2Sentroid91: for why :P ? %(
Comebackcrowwow...that is the most realistic nudie suit i have ever seen
@Sentroid91* PrincessLeia2 is a philadelphian noew, a jersey hater
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady (vicfal@dialup- has joined #Deep13
KatLadydamn internet server
@Sentroid91Crowbie and myself are from NJ
Comebackcrowdammit jim
KatLadyit DCed me and it took forever to connect back up again
KatLadyand thankee to DZ and princessleia
PrincessLeia2well i dont really hate jersey
PrincessLeia2i was just trying to fit in with the locals
PrincessLeia2everyone here slams jersey
Comebackcrowin bed
@Sentroid91* DarkonZero hits himself for not ordering the Ein action figure.
Comebackcrowdammit there i go again
* @RobertoKay throws an egg at cbc.
DarkonZeroIn Vegas......everyone slams California.
PrincessLeia2oh wait ntropy doesnt slam jersey
PrincessLeia2his gf is from there %)
* Comebackcrow gratefully acknowledges said egg
PrincessLeia2ok, half the ppl i know here in philly slam ppl from jersey
PrincessLeia2and it's usually quite funny
* Master_Shake (servo911@pool-138-89-142-143.mad.east.verizon.net) has joined #Deep13
* Master_Shake is now known as Sentroid92
Sentroid92yeay. power went out
* Sentroid91 (servo911@pool-138-89-143-156.mad.east.verizon.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by Sentroid92)))
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* Sentroid92 is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@RobertoKaySentroid91: wrestlecrap update.
@Sentroid91RobertoKay: Yeay!
@RobertoKayThey have "Body Slam"
@RobertoKayAnd that NBC wrestling special.
@Sentroid91Hah. I saw that before.
@Sentroid91both, actually
@Sentroid91Body Slam was funnt. Roddy Piper with Face from A-Team as his manager
DarkonZeroDirk Benedict.
* Jef (noone@adsl-80-203-254.rdu.bellsouth.net) has joined #Deep13
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Jef Jef Jef
@Sentroid91Mr. T
* DarkonZero runs away.
* KatLady is now known as Kat-BRB
* KatLady has left IRC
* Comebackcrow shoots himself at DZ's apparent fear
DarkonZero$20 that Kat will be d/c'ed again.
Comebackcrowwe got twenty...do i hear 30?
* Sentroid92 (~servo911@A46BE75.FE3D664.6AAEEA79.IP) has joined #Deep13
Sentroid92yeay yeay
Comebackcrowgo away imposter
* Sentroid91 (servo911@pool-138-89-142-143.mad.east.verizon.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by Sentroid92)))
* Sentroid91 has left IRC
* Sentroid92 is now known as Sentroid91
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
* ChanServ sets mode: +qohv Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91 Sentroid91
@Sentroid91Fun Fun Cuban Rum
DarkonZeroAye, aye Cap'n Peered-a-lot.
@Sentroid91No peer
Comebackcrowarrr matey?
DarkonZeroYeah.....balme it on a thunderstorm.
DarkonZeroblame even.
Comebackcrowem balm it
@Sentroid91Yeah. I put chapstik on my comp
Comebackcrowewww...we dont need to know that
@Sentroid91Yep, this thing is a real stinkbomb, worthy of a good ridiculing by our friends on Mystery Science Theater. Dirk Benedict stars a rock and roll manager who, through the zaniest of circumstances, winds up managing Quick Rick (Roddy Piper) and Tonga Tom (Tonga Kid). This of course infuriates their former manager, Capt. Lou Morano (Lou Albano). So Lou's men attack Dirk's men, and Lou blackballs Rick and Tom from all the major arenas.
* Kat-BRB is now known as KatLady
* KatLady is on IRC
Comebackcrowewww nver say "rowdy roddie piper" and black balls in the same sentence
DarkonZeroDamn....lost the bet.....if there was one.
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"H.T."4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
@Sentroid91Then there's the granny who gets attacked at every show. What, you've never seen that? Why she does it NIGHT AFTER NIGHT according to the braintrust at NBC, so it must be right!
@Sentroid91But here's the secret - she's a STUNT GRANNY. Yep, the announcer even says so! Just to let the workers know she's ok, she will wink at them. Yep.
Comebackcrowtonight...on old lady gets killed...
[Comebackcrow SOUND]
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Knives"4,16,0 from 6,014,1Trigun OST14,16,0.6,0
* Comebackcrow wonders what the hell he's talking about
KatLadyI have an mp3 of the songs I did for my very first show, a Led Zep tribute show.
* Comebackcrow then decides he just doesnt care
KatLadyI'll DCC it if anyone's interest in hearing it.
DarkonZeroI'll take.
Comebackcrowled zep....most of their songs annoy me with their huge length.....
KatLadyhang on
Comebackcrowi mean....theres just so much song you can put IN a song...
PrincessLeia2once a few friends and i wrote a song called "escalator to hell"
PrincessLeia2it was funny
PrincessLeia2and all due to the fact that they ALWAYS played stairway to heaven last at all the dances
* DarkonZero listens to a MP3 of 4,1"Tired Of Waiting For You"4,16,0 from 6,014,1The Kinks14,16,0.6,0
PrincessLeia2which was terribly annoying
Comebackcrowhow do you dance to that?
KatLadyhang on, DZ
PrincessLeia2hell if i know, i dont dance
@Sentroid91http://www.wrestlecrap.com/weeklyimages/Rocky.jpg - HAH!
Comebackcrowsixty's flower power arm waving stoner waltz
@Sentroid91Question of the Century
@Sentroid91Why doesn't anyone kick Hogan in the crotch when ever he "Hulks Up"?
@Sentroid91RD: Good question. Readers?
Comebackcrowya know....you can dance if you want to
Comebackcrowyou can leave your friends behind
PrincessLeia2i have danced before, just never made much of a habit of it %)
KatLadyokie it's come to ya Deez
Comebackcrowcause your friends dont dance, an if....
PrincessLeia2plus i dont go clubbing much %)
PrincessLeia2maybe more after i turn 21... things just suck noew
KatLadythere ya go. enjoy.
DarkonZeroWill do.
PrincessLeia2places around here are like all ages or 21+ ... all ages sucks 'cause you get 15 year olds
@Sentroid91Fuck you
* Ocean-Saurian (sirmegagig@AC99280F.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Ocean-Saurian has left IRC
Comebackcrowbut 15 year olds are fun...change their diapers...
PrincessLeia2and the pedofiles who wear the 15 year olds like clothing... which is always disturbing
Comebackcrowwaitaminnit...lemme put on my big pants ....and get my new britney spears cd...
Comebackcrowsee...we're all laffing...it's fun!!!
@Sentroid91<Lodovik> I M LAFFING!!!!
* KatLady shudders
* @RobertoKay leaves. Adios.
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like Krankor!
* RobertoKay (hquiej@c-24-130-168-232.we.client2.attbi.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exiting)
* RobertoKay has left IRC
Comebackcrowummm....maybe there is such a thing as "too much"
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpownuts.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
PrincessLeia2the one time i went to a club around here it was goth night... which was especially weird, you have the 15 year olds with vamp teefers
PrincessLeia2who think they are "so goth" because they listen to linkin park instead of britany spears
PrincessLeia2or something
Comebackcrowahhh just go to a rave....no age limits there
PrincessLeia2i dunno, i cant see myself as much of a raver
* PrincessLeia2 shrugs
DarkonZeroI listen to Linkin Park.......but I like it only for the beat.....sorta like how I like girls cause of their boobs.
Comebackcrowi've actually been to a couple....wow....not for me
PrincessLeia2then again, my shyness goes away when i'm slightly inebriated %)
PrincessLeia2DarkonZero: heh
Comebackcrownew courage in a bottle!
Comebackcrowsentroid...why are you such a bitch?
Comebackcrowi guess even he doesnt know...sigh.
@Sentroid91Why are you suck a homo?
PrincessLeia2suck a homo?! %\
Comebackcrowsuck a homo? no thanks.
Comebackcrowyou feel free to though
* DarkonZero is laughing out loud....so much he sounds like TV's Frank!
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "is suck":9,1 <Sentroid91> E IS SUCK A SMART GUY! 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
DarkonZeroTo each their own.
DarkonZeroIn his case.....
@Sentroid91He-Man in 30 mins
* Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) Quit (Quit: )
* Locdog07 has left IRC
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "fags":9,1 <Locdog07> But yeah, I am kinda angry that fags don't come my way 1,9Number of Quotes found: 4
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "fags":9,1 --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has joined #MSTie-News --> AllFagsShouldDie(FagsSuck@iesh.ldrl.eoxd.wbps.this.chat.server) has left #MSTie-News <Erhardt> All cigarette butts must die! 1,9Number of Quotes found: 4
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "fags":9,1 <Locdog07> GIMME YOUR FUCKING FAGS I AM WELL HARD! 1,9Number of Quotes found: 4
Comebackcrowi still have all the he-man action figures...i saw them at my parents house a while back...
PrincessLeia2i sold most of my toys on ebay for lots of money %) 'cept for my starwars toys of course, still have those
DarkonZeroI have a Voltron that I'd like to light on fire one day.
Comebackcrowcan you get a good price for heman crap?
DarkonZeroDepends on the collectiblity
PrincessLeia2you should search ebay for it %)
ComebackcrowDK: lol
DarkonZeroIf there is a high demand...the hight the price.
PrincessLeia2that's what i did, couldnt believe how much my My Little Ponies were worth (oh shhh i'm a girl ok!)
PrincessLeia2at least they werent barbies
* DarkonZero hides his Rainbow Brite.
Comebackcrowi have the rare full size he-man that walks and talks, and has the same terrible acting ability as in the show
PrincessLeia2depends on the condition too
Comebackcrowit also makes cappucino
PrincessLeia2extra rare since no one knew what cappucino was in the 80s ;)
Comebackcrowthats right!
Comebackcrowi have it placed right behind the arc of the covenant
Comebackcrownext to the holy grail
DarkonZeroI have the holy hand grenade of Antioch >:p
Comebackcrowi have one of jesus' diapers
Comebackcrowits full!!!
DarkonZeroTalk about holy shit.
* PrincessLeia2 realizes she spent far too much of the day chatting
* PrincessLeia2 wanders off to play with mysql summore
Comebackcrowwell...its raining and stuff...
* @Sentroid91 needs to get Electronic Jesus
DarkonZero<MySQL> don't touch me there...tee hee
Comebackcrownew electric jesus!!! real miracle action!!! you build it!!
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "kung":9,1 <UrbanD> but nothing beats blair witch action figures. <UrbanD> life like map losing kung-fu grip and cigarette smoking motions. <UrbanD> pull the string and they say 4 fun phrases like "FUCK YOU!!!" and "NO, FUCK YOU!!!" and "WHERE ARE YOU?!" and "(muffled yelling)" 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
@Sentroid91Does anyone have that quote?
Comebackcrowum sure
@Sentroid91not you
DarkonZeroI remember De being in that quote.
Comebackcrowum sure
@Sentroid91yeah. and melto
Comebackcrowum sure
@Sentroid91something about Kung-Fu Jesus
@Sentroid91uh. fine, sure.
* DarkonZero checks his logs.
* @Sentroid91 goes to update the stats
Comebackcrowi think i'll order billy grahams, "jeeeezus!! The Home Game"
* Comebackcrow goes to the phone..
DarkonZeroScrew it......to many log files to go through.....all the way back to '99
@Sentroid91updated: http://www.mstiegate.com/ircstats
* Comebackcrow bashes it to a million bits
@Sentroid91Scientology: The Home Game
Comebackcrowthems stats lick balls
@Sentroid91your momo
* Sound request: can't find 'momma.wav'
[Comebackcrow SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpowclues.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'locpow.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
* Sound request: can't find 'kungpow3.wav'
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
DarkonZeroSession Start: Mon Aug 30 19:45:17 1999
DarkonZeroSession Ident: `KoMYK`53 (~macpc@ccs13-ppp053.T-Net.net.VE)
DarkonZero<`KoMYK`53> SEXO SEXO SEX SEX GRATIS FREE!!! http://www.purosexo.com
DarkonZeroSession Close: Mon Aug 30 19:46:47 1999
* You were kicked by irc.mst3k.org (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 1 seconds))
Session Close: Fri Aug 16 12:41:54 2002
Session Start: Fri Aug 16 12:42:19 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '3http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 has arrived, babah! All ops: Please register with nickserv so that you may recieve oppage here. | http://411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1254 "Eddie Guerrero is amazing. In bed." | <Cal> I respect Jo. *snickers* <Locdog07> he has pink hair'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Aug 15 22:46:28
DarkonZeroYAY ME!
KatLadywb Deez
KatLadynevermind, Sentypoo.
Comebackcrowawww...they have cute nicknames...
DarkonZeroThat's what I get for cuttin' an pastin' ol' shit.
@Sentroid91ah. i see
Comebackcrowwhat the hell are you doin?
Timeso if I do:
@Sentroid91's just the pasting thing
Timeut.clockbot.net         0/32 DM-HyperBlast     15 / 0  DeathMatchPlus Time's UT Server
Timeyay, no flood
@Sentroid91Jo explained it... it's if something is throttled
ComebackcrowThe Dos and Don'ts of #Deep13:
Comebackcrow1: Don't ask for someone's age/sex/location. If you hang around long enough to gain the respect of the ops and regs, most likely you'll find out then.
Comebackcrow2: Don't zoom the room. It's really annoying when someone decides to join the room and then abruptly leave without saying at least a greeting.
Comebackcrow3: Don't spam the room with advertisements. It's also annoying when someone decides the only reason they're coming into the room, is to advertise their website.
Comebackcrow4: Don't flood the room. If you're the kind of person who gets his jollies by coming into the room and splurting text, don't even think about trying it in here. Flooding includes text, sounds, dcc's, ctcp's, notices, private messages, scripts, colors, etc.
Comebackcrow5: We speak English, and ONLY English. If you speak a foreign language please go to a room that speaks your language.
Comebackcrow6: Don't do !list. We are not a DAP channel at the present time. No one in the room has the !list trigger and as such we do not carry MST episodes on digital media. Please go elsewhere(DAPCentral.org, DALnet, etc) for MST eps.
Comebackcrow7: Please don't test bots in our room. Our room is for chatting, not for testing eggdrops and user levels.
Comebackcrow8: Please don't ask for general help. Our room is a Mystery Science Theater 3000/General chat room. If you need help with handling mIRC and such, consult the help menu, or else join #zirc for help.
Comebackcrow9: Do hang out in the room. We love to have guests, even if they're just idling. Just make sure you at least say something before and during your room idle. We don't appreciate mute idlers and consider them to be stalkers.
Comebackcrow10: Do participate in discussions. Even if you don't understand a topic or are uninterested, it may eventually lead to another topic.
Comebackcrow11: Do make suggestions to the room. If there's a game you want to play or something, we'd be happy to hold it either in here or in #SatelliteOfLove.
Comebackcrow12: Do invite friends. As we are a growing community, you may want to invite some of your own best friends. Note: You're friends will be treated as seperate entities from yourself. If they are not on their best behavior, they will be booted from the room and most likely given a second(or even a third) chance to clean up their act.
Comebackcrow13: Do keep Sentroid company. He's the one who keeps the room open for the most part, and he gets very loney sometimes after everyone decides to leave. :(
DarkonZeroWatch this.
Comebackcrow14: Do have as much fun as you can!
ComebackcrowThe preceeding rules are to be taken seriously. Any violations will result in first a warning, second a warning and a kick, and lastly a ban which will last as long as the #Deep13 ops see fit. Rules can and will be added, edited, or omitted if need be. Lastly, we don't fancy ourselves as elitists and as such we do not want to drive you away from the room with these rules. This set of rules is to maintain a sense of order in the room.
DarkonZeroLost the paste.
Comebackcrowoops btw
* KatLady is now known as Kat-BRB
@Sentroid91One night after Vengeance, Brock blatantly disrespected the new Undisputed Champion on two occasions. First, he interrupted The Great One's walk up the ramp. Later in the evening, he threw Rock's championship belt at his feet.
@Sentroid91Three days later, Brock cost The Rock and Hollywood Hulk Hogan tag team gold when he interfered, causing a disqualification. Brock then taunted The Rock, while atop the ramp.
Comebackcrowwhere do you get this wrastlin' stuff from?
DarkonZeroHe gets it when he crosses an owl with a bungee cord.
Comebackcrowoy vey
* Comebackcrow is now known as CbC-away
* TonicBH (bbj17@63-224-229-210.customers.uswest.net) has joined #Deep13
TonicBHtook me some time to finally find the damn server it was on
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(To go watch TV and gets some eats.)4,1
TonicBHthen I gave up and just checked deep13.org
* Jef (noone@adsl-80-203-254.rdu.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: )
@Sentroid91cbc: www.wrestlecrap.com
@Sentroid91and that last blurb was from www.wwesummerslam.com
Kat-BRBhiya Ton!
* Kat-BRB is now known as KatLady
* KatLady is on IRC
@Sentroid917 minutes til new He-Man
@Sentroid916 minutes now
TonicBH<Sent> 5... no, 6, no no 4, uh um... oh screw it, it's on already
TonicBH4, 3, 2, 1, blastoff
* KatLady is now known as Kat-BRB
* KatLady has left IRC
@Sentroid91New He-Man time
* Kat-BRB is now known as KatLady
* KatLady is on IRC
KatLadyI used to watch that when I was a kid.
@Sentroid91Me too
@Sentroid91I have the pillowcase on my pillow. :D
KatLadyI needs a drink!
@Sentroid91what the
@Sentroid91Skeletor looks like the Genie
@Sentroid91or did
KatLadyunfortunately I'm not watching.
KatLadydad's got the PS2 on
@Sentroid91Because your dad's a....
@Sentroid91....i'd rather not say.
* KatLady is now known as Kat-brb
* KatLady has left IRC
* MUSTARD (trilluser@spacemoose.foozone.net) has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91hey, foo.
CbC-awaywell....this heman series is better than the old one....
* CbC-away is now known as Comebackcrow
* moreysurf8 (MSTieGate@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #Deep13
ComebackcrowHeMan is a little bitch compared to Dexter
* UberAshIsTheNameMate (death@east-26-52.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net) has joined #Deep13
@Sentroid91Dude. New Orko
Comebackcrowummm.did hemans cat just make a house cat sound?
Comebackcrowheman looks like ken from street fighter
* moreysurf8 (MSTieGate@ool-18bb7827.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: brb)
@Sentroid91that's cause he ain't He-Man yet, dork.
Comebackcrowhe's prince adam....weeeee
* UberAshIsTheNameMate is now known as UberAsh
UberAshanyone remember me?
@Sentroid91yeah. you're that guy.
UberAshhey comebackcrow
@Sentroid91Skeletor sounds like Riff-Raff from Rocky Horror
Comebackcrowwe are grown men watching cartoons.
@Sentroid91so what?
Comebackcrowi dunno....just flashing back to the old days of watching heman as a kid i guess
@Sentroid91and it's funnt cause I remember, or am remembering most of these characters
Comebackcrowyeah ditto
@Sentroid91like that guy with the faces
@Sentroid91and Locjaw
Comebackcrowtri face right?
* JohnKimbel (pmccart@miwi2dsl-a306.wi.tds.net) has joined #Deep13
* Cal-AWAY (pmccart@miwi2dsl-a306.wi.tds.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
UberAshI was alone with the world to tame,
UberAshI was evil but feelin' blue
UberAshLookin' around, talkin' to clowns,
UberAshNever guessin' that I'd find you
@Sentroid91I don't remember his name.
UberAshWorkin' the fryer I was never a cryer,
UberAshI had a void in the shape of you
UberAshLookin' for love, hopin' for evil,
UberAshAlls I got was chicken cordon bleu
* Comebackcrow is now known as CbC_Lunchtime
UberAshBa-da-been, were livin' in Deep 13
UberAshNobody knows what we mean
UberAshRulin' the world with our heads in a swirl and its keen
* UberAsh was kicked by irc.mst3k.org (Flooding (Limit is 3 lines per 1 seconds))
* UberAsh (death@east-26-52.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net) has joined #Deep13
UberAshanoyne know what that song ment?
* Kat-brb is now known as KatLady
* KatLady is on IRC
KatLadyeverybody is askin me where the fuck their cds are!
KatLadyignore that
MUSTARDWhere are my CDs?
* MUSTARD shakes his head...
* UberAsh (death@east-26-52.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net) Quit (Quit: )
* KatLady is now known as Catsup
* KatLady has left IRC
* JohnKimbel is now known as Cal
* Cal is on IRC
CalI got to fill out my senior yearbook entry today
CalMy quote was: "At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws - they hurt like crap, man!"
* Catsup is now known as KatLady
* KatLady is on IRC
* KatLady eats mustard on her hotdog
KatLadyexcuse me.
CbC_Lunchtimehey is it just me or kid commercials gettin even more nauseating?
KatLadykid commercials scare me
[KatLady SOUND]
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian (sirmegagig@AC898EC2.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
KatLadywb joey
[KatLady SOUND]
KatLadymy sound still works.
* Cal grumbles
* Locdog07 is on IRC
* Locdog07 (D.Billany@loc-dog.demon.co.uk) has joined #Deep13
* Locdog07 enters singing "Locster the Mighty, he's very tidy, everyone admires him, he's so handsome it's a sin, when things get grim, he'll take it on the chin, if you're in jeapordy, caught by the enemy, don't call the cavalry, there's a better remedy (although he doesn't work for free), he's every man's trusteee, he's every woman's fantasy, plus he's good company... LOOK OUT! Golly gee! He's Locster, Locster the Mighty!"
* ChanServ sets mode: +ohv Locdog07 Locdog07 Locdog07
[@Locdog07 SOUND]
CalOnly 1 out of the 8 websites I've sent my petition URL to has replied.
KatLadywb Loc
CalAnd that one who replied doesn't want to mention it.
Calhttp://www.petitiononline.com/silentDV/petition.html  If anyone wants to sign it
* KatLady sings along with Loc
* @Locdog07 is done singing
KatLadymy mistake
KatLadygots to go
KatLadydad wants to play his game
KatLadybye Cal
CalCandy Land?
CalFantasy Hockey?
* KatLady (vicfal@dialup- Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* KatLady has left IRC
@Locdog07Dr. Weird has big nipples
CbC_Lunchtimeya know this remake of the flintstones cartoon isnt that much like the original.....
CbC_Lunchtimei dont remember so much fighting
* CbC_Lunchtime is now known as Comebackcrow
@Sentroid91I don't remember a mute BattleCat
@Sentroid91But I kinda like it
Comebackcrowthat hes mute?
Comebackcrowwelll he used to sound like scooby
@Sentroid91BTW: TF Armada next Friday. Yeay!
@Locdog07playing is for pleasure
Ocean-Saurianoh is tonic here?
Ocean-Saurianis he alive?
ntropySentroid91 : when , where.
@Sentroid914pm CN
Ocean-SaurianI heard some 10 year old kid drown in a toilet on CNN
Ocean-SaurianYa ok Tonic?
@Locdog07you think it was ton?
Ocean-Saurianwell, the age fits, and it's somthing he would do
Ocean-SaurianNah I am just playing with tonic
@Locdog07use the meat bridge
@Locdog07I'm the one who wants some jeans
Ocean-Saurianhey, I said I work outta the home
@Sentroid91Fucking bad-ass BattleCat
@Locdog07stay outta my pool!
@Locdog07oh... my hips...
@Locdog07a woman, a meteor... whatever
Session Start: Fri Aug 16 13:55:56 2002
Session Ident: #Deep13
* Now talking in #Deep13
* Topic is '3http://www.deep13.org | #Deep13 has arrived, babah! All ops: Please register with nickserv so that you may recieve oppage here. | http://411wrestling.com/columns/article.php?columns_id=1254 "Eddie Guerrero is amazing. In bed." | <Cal> I respect Jo. *snickers* <Locdog07> he has pink hair'
* Set by RobertoKay on Thu Aug 15 22:46:28
-NickServ- [SYNTAX] /NickServ identify <password>
-NickServ- [IDENTIFY] Password Accepted - You are now identified
* Cal is on IRC
* darkangel is on IRC
* DarkonZero is on IRC
* Locdog07 is on IRC
* Min is on IRC
* Ocean-Saurian is on IRC
* PrincessLeia2 is on IRC
* Sentroid91 is on IRC
@MinMust be a british commercial. Heheh.
CalLoc, whatever happened to The Fruitees?
* @Min prods DarkonZero with her crowbar.
* HuzzahMan3000 (TBCrowFan3@ACAF7D2F.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Deep13
@Locdog07The cheerleader gives the boy a Dr. Pepper and he spits it out for some reason while ogling her breasts and then he pulls some tissue out of her bra and she walks off in a huff
@Locdog07I have no idea.
HuzzahMan3000Walked in at the wrong part
[@Sentroid91 SOUND]
@Locdog07xquote, search all in the hole
@Sentroid91The Fruities orgasmed to death
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(Test)4,1
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(Test)4,1
HuzzahMan3000CBc: LocDog feels good on the hole
@Locdog07gimme that damn wav, I've not got it
@MinThey orgied to death.
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "fucking fags":9,1 <Locdog07> GIMME YOUR FUCKING FAGS I AM WELL HARD! 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
* DarkonZero is now away! - 4,1Reason:(Huh?)4,1
@Sentroid911,9Quote containing "do not pass bed":9,1 <Min> GO TO HELL! <JoMomma> GO DIRECTLY TO HELL! <Min> YE!! <Sentroid91> Do not pass bed <Sentroid91> Do not collect vanilla coke 1,9Number of Quotes found: 1
* DarkonZero is now back! Away cause - 4,1(Huh?)4,1
Comebackcrowwould you fookin quit iy
@MinI'd give it to you, but I forget what it was called.
* Sound request: can't find 'givephone.wav'
[@Locdog07 SOUND]
HuzzahMan3000Wold U Fookin Qiout IY!?!
@Locdog07xquote, search directly
@Locdog07gonna go now
* Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Aug 16 13:59:34 2002

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